What the? Can't advance because it's "foresworn"
Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 7:54 pm
Just hit a brick wall I wasn't expecting. Character is a master in house telvanni, should be able to become magister. Go to my patron Aryon, ask to advance, he tells me I've "missed" my chance to become a magister, that I've foresworn the rank.
No further explanation is given, except if I ask for more chores he tells me he'd be willing to advance me to magister. Dialogue dead-ends with the foresworn it bit mentioned above if I try for it, though.
The only possible reason for this I can think of is that I'm already archmage in the mage's guild. Can you not reach the top ranks of multiple factions? Or possibly just not reach the top house ranks if you've already reached the top rank of a non-house guild?
From a practical perspective this has little impact on my game. I already have the fully developed telvanni stronghold, and there isn't any point to further advancement except for the hell of it. I'm bugged by it anyway, and wondering if anyone can shed any light on it.
No further explanation is given, except if I ask for more chores he tells me he'd be willing to advance me to magister. Dialogue dead-ends with the foresworn it bit mentioned above if I try for it, though.
The only possible reason for this I can think of is that I'm already archmage in the mage's guild. Can you not reach the top ranks of multiple factions? Or possibly just not reach the top house ranks if you've already reached the top rank of a non-house guild?
From a practical perspective this has little impact on my game. I already have the fully developed telvanni stronghold, and there isn't any point to further advancement except for the hell of it. I'm bugged by it anyway, and wondering if anyone can shed any light on it.