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some questions....ever notice????
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:20 am
by UserUnfriendly
hmmmm....does it seem to you that bound weapons hit harder and better than real ones????
cool trick, i like spell maker a lot, so i created new version of fireball spell...same as before, but has 8 second duration...really does the job, the game provided one sucks badly, but a duration fireball of 8 will kill 90% of the time, at level i am i named it "_fireball" so all new spells are at top of the list...
where can i find a golden saint?? without getting into a quest???
where is summon golden saint spell???is in balmora???
does anybody have console code for a soul gem with golden saint in???its actually harder to find exquisite rings and amulets than it is to find souls and gems...
where can you find bug musk??? suppose to drive opposite sex wild with lust...giggle...
finally, whats up with the spells???
i am at 50 for all spell skills, and most spells now cast at 100%, but a few have 0 chance of casting....something about first shield, second shield, but i no have 3rd shield... yet...
does blocking happen automatically or just when you hold down mouse button???have yet to figure out how to work it correctly...
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:41 am
by Loredweller
bound weapons add to yor skill in first place and are good enough if compared with standard weaponry. However you might come by better weapon for sure. Musk is in several places, it's limited however. Some bottles are in fort near Balmora, a bit more in Redoran capital, there are some other places.
Spells most often have 0 if you do not have skill in the school they are from or you do not have enough spell points. There's possibility of bugs, too.
AFIK, it's very hard to hunt golden saints. Have never heard it might be summoned.
Blocking works by itself if one is wearing a shield, mouse means attack.
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 7:05 am
by prime_dweller
Summon Golden Saint, and other kickass summons, can be bought from one of the mages in the Upper Tower in Tel Brannora.
You have to be able to levitate to reach the chamber.
To reach Tel Brannora, go to Vivec by silt strider. In Vivec, catch the boat.
Tel Brannora also has a trader with unlimited Common Soul Gems, good enough for soul trapping Ancestor Ghosts. You can then sell them for 4000 gold each...
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 7:42 am
by fable
cool trick, i like spell maker a lot, so i created new version of fireball spell...same as before, but has 8 second duration...really does the job, the game provided one sucks badly, but a duration fireball of 8 will kill 90% of the time, at level i am now...
But Fireball is an area spell. Won't most monsters move beyond the specified area within less than half of those 8 ticks?
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 12:28 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Try it, you will LOVE it....
MUCH, MUCH BETTER than fireball, for the 8 seconds or so, they keep taking continuous fire damage, killing them most of the time.....
try with spark.....
they get a little lightning bolts hitting them from a whirly blue mass that is off to thier side, and im sure it will disrupt a mage spell cating, hint, hint!!!!
seriously, duration damage spells ROCK!!!!
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 3:18 pm
yeah just like when you get poisoned and then watch as your hit points keep going down for 5 seconds, except with fire or spark damage you can't swill a cure poison potion to stop it.
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 3:50 pm
by fable
Hmmm, point taken. @UU, how much range did you give that spell? 30 feet, 20...?
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 4:11 pm
by T'lainya
The telvanni bug musk raises personality by 40 (IIRC) Ajira sells it in the mages guild in Balmora.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 12:55 am
by UserUnfriendly
neener neener neener....
fable doesnt know spell maker....
"Hmmm, point taken. @UU, how much range did you give that spell? 30 feet, 20...?"
all range spells in game have unlimited range...if you can see, you can hit...
the first two sliders in spell maker, if you choose range damage, is damage range, not physical range....
so if you choose 2 to 20, like in fireball, the sucky version, you will see it does from 2 to 20 pts of fire damage....
acually, for combat purposes, i am thinking of modifying spell for better radius, very cheap, quite a good effect, and more damage but much shorter duration.....
just got really annoyed withdoing all the stupid mageguild quests....doing the dwemer tube quest, and after going all the way to gnisis, ended up in the WRONG dungeon, and resqued this chick who said she was to be i let her go, and being the nice guy i am, led the way for her hubby...but she got killed by a flying bird cause i was not paying attention, and so i reloaded, ignored the chick, and went to right dungeon....
where i got a dwemer cylinder, and figured that was the go, she wants the tube , not cylinder...where is it????
so i am relaoding to after i get summon saint spell, what is up with the 0 chance for sucess anyway??? my conjuration is at 50%....
and plan to use mage guild resources to enchant a decent weapon, daedric claymore, i shall summon by console, and create the all important dungeon starter pack....
exquisite ring of regen mana and fortify mana, slow regen, but major boost...
energizer bunny, yes my char is bun-bun, with golden saint to recharge mana.....600??/charges, will consume 40 per 3 second duartion 100 mana recharge...
amulet of gaxx, regen health...mandatory...
exquistie belt of str, since getting disease is not funny, might put ressit disease too....
folks, you gotta go into enchantment, no adventurer can afford not to understand daggerfall enchantment, just too important, even if you only use guild item maker...
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 1:27 am
by fable
neener neener neener....
fable doesnt know spell maker....
Fable's been too busy playing other aspects of the game and trying to earn a living to mess around much with Spellmaker.
Give it time.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 3:02 am
by UserUnfriendly
yeah, hear ya, buddy...
will soon go back to goal is to go back to work in 2 years...
my eyes are as good as they get, so will get my CCNP!!!whew, a real nightmare of a study and certs....
and get a small car i can drive safely and since i live near where a good high tech center is building, should be abe to commute less than 15 miles...
will have to enjoy myself tomorrow, last day for uninhibited morrowind play...