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Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 6:06 am
by nba_brown
are traps really good for assasins?
every time i try to set a trap it says failed or someting.
can u set a trap across the screen or does it have to be cllose to you.. and wut kind of theif has the best tra
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 6:12 am
by kopywrite
The more points you put into set traps when you level up or at character creation, the better your thief will be at setting them. All thieves have the same type of trap except bounty hunters who get 'special snares' as well as the ordinary ones. You need to be next to the spot where you want to set a trap... however bounty hunters can 'throw' their special snares, ie they can set them some distance away. In ToB different traps become available.
Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 6:16 am
by Archeron
I thought traps were very gay as they failed on me with Yos about 100% of the time, this was until I scrolled down on his thieving abilities one day when leveling up- mmmm, I though about 30 points in total between detect illu and set traps.
That explained a few things.
Tend not to use them now, must be out of spite for proving me such an idiot - down with all thieves!!!