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Fav sword here!!!
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 3:19 am
by UserUnfriendly
ok, i think fables question "fav enchantments" is too broad, and too wide for many people. so what i am thinking is this is a place to post fav enchantments for swords so people can post monster whompers they created. almost all swords are going to be "cast on strike" and now i have a golden saint production line, i am starting to play with some ideas.....
if you make a daedric wakisashi with bound katanta and str fortification, will you train in short sword or long sword or BOTH????
this has some very interesting effects, make it constant, love golden saints, wot????
you should never need to take sword in for repairs, and all bound weapons hit with +10 or so to attribute....
i really like the damage health graphic, looks like the victim is on fire...i'm getting tired of going around town with a stinking short sword, (thinking of keening at end game) so will switch over to daedric war hammer, with damage health and dispell set on strike, with a nice high value charge....golden saints should give around 400 or so, right???
finally got ring of mana regen and amulet of health regen, basically almost unkillable, with many many firestorms and summons to back me up....
will have to try trick i read about in another forum, of creating a ranged heal item, so you let summons soak up shock, and you heal them, so they last full summon bonelord and summon lesser daedra, forget names, so they cast from my mana pretty well, and with summon heal ring, will have a nice set of spell items...can anybody say sorceror???
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 3:22 am
by UserUnfriendly
oh yeah, does anyone know the console codes for exquiste rings and amulets??? real bottle neck is finding them, but is not too bad, since i wont leave balmora for main quests, blades until i have 8 more golden saints in gems...
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 5:04 am
I just got to the point in the game where you start getting ebony weapons, picked up an ebony spear, longsword, and shortsword. I haven't figured out what to do with the spear yet -spear is my best weapon but I usually just whip up a bound spear in emergencies - funny that spear would be The Powergamer's Choice (TM) in this game.
On the longsword I put a shock attack, I think 20-50 cast on strike, for the major damage.
On the shortsword I put a 1-4 point poison attack with a duration of 2, it only costs 1 charge each time it hits, the idea being that it would not run out of charges very fast, and in shortsword combat you hit a lot of times for minor damage each time.
I used common soul gems for both swords - I had them enchanted because my enchant is 48 so I just paid the money instead of wasting the gems or doing the cheesemaster save-reload a billion times. The long sword is maxed out in enchantment points so I probably could not ever have enchanted it correctly.
My character is 11th level right now and has 70 in spear, 45 in longsword, 48 in marksman and 32 in shortsword. I wish I had put some effort into axe, but I don't want to carry one - they're heavy! I got Strength up to where you can carry 300 lbs but there is still just so much lewt I can't justify the axe.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 8:32 am
by fable
My understanding is that you get experience for the type of weapon with which you hit. So, if you have (let's say) an enchanted tanto with a spell of bound longsword on it, the first hit gives you shortsword skill; but after that, you're holding a longsword. Any further damage gives you longsword skill. Meanwhile, the tanto cast the increase of strength on you.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 10:08 am
by Ned Flanders
Hypothetically, to build or confuse on your post fable, let's suppose you manually go back into your inventory and place the tanto as your equipped weapon over the bound the longsword. Now, you continue to attack and hit again. The bound longsword is already cast and the game will certainly tell you it can't cast the bound longsword a second time but will it cast the fortify strength a second time?
I'm presuming your mention of the increase strength on you at the end of your post is in reference to UserUn's daedric wakizashi's with bound katana/fortify str. enchantments.
Of course, this may make no sense because I'm mad, as in loony, wacked out, gone, over the rainbow.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 12:22 pm
by UserUnfriendly
well, looks like after some experiments the wakizashi is NOT the most enchantable weapon, my guide had a typo.....
thus this exploit goes down the tubes....
it only has enchant level of 16, instead of 165!!!!
which is the most enchant points in a weapon??? guess it dont matter, cause as long as you use a saint, the charge will be 400, yummmy.......
and if you bind short sword, you do less damage per hit, but can strike so often the damage health per hit really adds up....
so i think i will make daedric short sword and warhammer with mondo damage health, and switch from one or other as item gets drainied, and make some really killer shields....
tower shields have highest enchant rating, so can bind 3-5 fireballs per use, will consume about 100 charges per use, but hey, by the time i switch over to my new fav, shield of monsters, which summons a 80 second golden saint, great for harvest or combat, boy, those babys sure fight!!!! the target is ready for recycling...
guys, this question really is,
is shock or fire or poison damage better than health damage???? looks to me like health is the killer one, since my ancestor ghost short sword kills golden saints reliably and effectively, and looks cool, but a saint has fire , shorck and frost resist...
ok, here is sa good one, daedric tower shield, best points in game, one use casts
fireball, shock ball and frost ball, 2 second duration....
well, one of them will get thru...
thsi is an almost impossible spell to cast, unless destruciton is at 100....
so which damage type is most effective in almost every instance??? health or poison??? i like jakes idea of poison via short sword... but with short sword, or any othe rsword, you want to max out using the items enchant rating the damage per hit, and min the charges per hit....
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 1:33 pm
by Sirius_Sam
Looks like the guide was following the editor's numbers..the actual numbers for some of the the most enchantable weapons are:
Possible spoiler(s)
Dai-Katana & Claymore = 21
Katana & Longsword = 18
Warhammer & Battleaxe = 16
War axe = 15
Wakizashi = 13
Short Sword = 12
Tanto & Dagger = 6
* note: I think a Daedric Staff would hold a lot of enchantment points, but I haven't found one yet to test.
Ebony weapons seem to hold between 8 and 12 EP, with the exception of the Ebony holds 90 !
If I were playing a mage, I would definitely choose 'Blunt' and use the Ebony Staff (at least until I could find a Daedric Staff, if it was better). The problem, for me anyway, with the Daedric weapons is that they are so doggone heavy (Wakizashi weighs 30lbs
). My assassin has placed bound dagger, longsword and longbow on pieces of his glass armor using Ascended Sleeper soulgems and, so far, these beat out all other weapons...even enchanted Daedric ones. BTW: you DO have to repair Constant Effect bound weapons/armor...for 1gp regardless of the damage
I don't find that you can place enough enchantment in a Daedric weapon to offset the weight factor or to get the same bonuses you get from the bound weapons. Only minor constant effects can be placed on anything short of the Ebony Staff (I enchanted one of my D. Wakizashi's with Constant Restore Fatigue <2-3 or 3-4 points> and I couldn't justify to myself why I was lugging around a 30lb permanent 'potion of Gatorade'
My Enchant skill is junk, so I've taken anything I enchant to professional Enchanters...maybe the EP changes as you go up in skill/level (I noticed a bug with my glass shield. Once I enchanted only 2 points of Block- 10 EP on shield, the next I enchanted 6 points of permanent Block- 30 EP on shield...dunno, maybe based on level or a hasn't happened again).
As someone posted on this board earlier, if you're going to enchant a Constant effect item, build it with the Golden Saint/Ascended Sleeper soulgem then replace the valuable soulgem with any other filled soulgem and create the item...the Constant effect stays and you still have your 'Template Soulgem'.
I'm level 31 now and I find that I can "camp" certain dungeons/shrines to kill the Daedra within and loot their godly (pun not intended) stuff. I have 72% Chameleon with commisioned amulet (24%) and 2 rings (24%/24%) and a maxed Sneak skill...when sneaking, NOTHING detects me (Hell, it's even difficult to get people to see me when I stand in front of them
). So set a Mark outside the dungeon...sneak in...backstab the spawned mobs (I leave the rest alone for plot effect in case I need them to advance the story later)...grab the loot by disposing of the corpse...Recall to entrance...rinse and repeat until full. ALMSIVI or Divine Intervention to sell/enchant/stash items and recall right back to the "farmland". It's getting to where anything (lots of Deadric weapons especially) I can't sell and don't want, I just leave in a large refuse pile. It's a shame the merchants can't afford some of this stuff and I get tired of holding the "-" key to slowly bring 50k to 7.5k.
EDIT: It looks like charges are restored at the rate of about 6 points per hour (for the 400 charge gems, anyway)...can anyone confirm/deny this ?
UPDATE: The Daedric Staff only holds 21 EP, so the best staff (best weapon, period, for holding enchantments) is still the Ebony Staff, AFAIK.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 3:35 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Ned Flanders
Hypothetically, to build or confuse on your post fable, let's suppose you manually go back into your inventory and place the tanto as your equipped weapon over the bound the longsword. Now, you continue to attack and hit again. The bound longsword is already cast and the game will certainly tell you it can't cast the bound longsword a second time but will it cast the fortify strength a second time?
I'd think not, though there *is* that bug in the game currently which increments speed with each successful cast of Bound Boots, and forgets to allow the spell to expire. This may be a problem attached to the original fortify speed spell, or to the binding spell. If the latter, that may just mean the fortify strength thing is cast again--and it may not even fall away. Interesting, no? I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say. In any case, I know from someone in-house that it's one of the bugfixes Bethsoft is working on for their patch.
I'm presuming your mention of the increase strength on you at the end of your post is in reference to UserUn's daedric wakizashi's with bound katana/fortify str. enchantments.
Right. If I wasn't clear about that, good. Doubt is an element of survival.
Of course, this may make no sense because I'm mad, as in loony, wacked out, gone, over the rainbow.
Been there, doing that right now. Ate the tee-shirt.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 8:50 pm
by UserUnfriendly
every time i treid to get bound boots enchanted into a exquiset shoes, my game crashed..
oh well, no biggie...
leviation is the ticket!!!! most monsters are incapable of assaulting leviating characters, except via magic and ranged weapons....good armor, amulet of restore health and breton with atronach sign, so just float, and use ebony staff of blasting, ranged damage health, and use shield of demons, summons golden saintss, good for soul gems and combat, and drop a pissed golden saint among your foes, and other summons you cast yourself....
easy victory!!!
somebody posted leviation is the super cheese, boy, were they right...
love flying nights, watch the stars in vvardenfell...
really relaxing....
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 9:00 pm
by Ned Flanders
by userunfriendly
love flying nights, watch the stars in vvardenfell...
Have you found the birthsign constellations in the sky. sorry to digress off main topic.
Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 10:07 pm
by Ylossakram
I enchanted one of my daedric dai-katanas with 20 drain health 11 fire dmg and 11 shock dmg ... it's like wielding a chainsaw
everythin falls after a single blow
and i'm always healthy as a fish ...
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:00 pm
by carlwells
My fav. enchant is my special ebony scimitar.
Sword of Ultimate Defense
Damage Health 100pts. for 2 sec. on touch
not much there but causes 200 + however much damage u can already cause
with each hit.
my 2
Rings of Etenal Flame [custom, exquisite rings]
Summon Flame Atronach
also not much but constant effect = 2 etenal slaves
my 1
Robe of Sorrows[custom, exquisite robe]
Summon Ancestor Ghost
also permanent
my 1
Helm of Sorrows[custom, ebony closed helm]
Summon Ancestor Ghost
my special
Amulet of Breathing Flame[custom, exquisite amulet{the green kind}]
Summon Flame Atronach
my 1
Cuirass of Mourning[custom, ebony cuirass]
Summon Ancestral Ghost
my left and right[same name]
Bracer of Mourning
Summon ancestral ghost
Lastly my awsome
Shield of Storms
Summon Storm Atronach
Also i have some daedric armor with restore health enchants
along with some exquisite shirts, rings, amulets, pants, and soon to be belt
with the same effects as my daedric armor
all of this can be permanant by azura's star and summon golden saint with soultrap[s. golden saint can be bought at tel fyr] ps if u do that and trap their soul if u click on them before they disappear u can get a glass, ebony, daedric[rare], or dwemer item for free!!!!!
pps my bounty is 165,351 g and i have hundreds of d warrants and destroyed paths and doomed worlds on 1 saved game!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:42 am
by Celacena
I haven't played for a while, because I got stuck/frustrated in a quest on the island and couldn't finish it.
anyhow - I had gone real power-game before I stopped - ithought it would be funny to have nothing more than cloth as armour, so I enchanted exquisite clothing with soul gems containing those yukkie beasts that hang around on the volcano sides, those or golden saints. managed to get complete invisibility and levitation, which worked as well as full-stregth armour.
as to the weight of daedric armour - usually I used to enchant it to give enough strength to counteract the weight.
best swords were soul stealers, as they filled up gems as they went.
rings could hold enough charges for light-show style fireball attacks - which coupled with flying was rather fun.
problem was it got to seem rather too easy.
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:09 am
by Oversize load
this is madness!
I love making stupid items like my sword of madness:
Cast on use self damage inteligence 5pts and burden on target 10pts.My helm of insanity constant levitation.
I really like stupid items lol