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The absolute BEST weapon in the game, bar none

Posted: Sun May 26, 2002 8:09 pm
by cjdevito
The Black Hands dagger
Daedric dagger bade 9-20 damage
Absorb 10-25 health for !!30!! seconds on strike
Blind target 10-50% for 30 second on strike

Amazing. Hit nearly anyone once, and they'll die. I think there are about four critters in the game -- one being Vivec, another being Dagoth Ur -- that would take more then one hit to kill.

There's only one way to get it. Join the morag tong, advance to rank 2 doing writs, then start doing the special duties quests for Eno Hlalu in the Morag Tong base in Vivec. Do all of them, even if he offers to make you grandmaster first. The only way to get the dagger is to finish his last special duties quest by killing the dark brotherhood woman at ald sotha. Becoming grandmaster by allowing him to retire does not get you the dagger; neither does killing him for it. The dagger simply doesn't exist in-game until the ald sotha quest is complete and you report to Eno Hlalu, so stealing/killing won't get it.

As an aside, you can also only finish the threads of the webspinner subquest if Eno is still grandmaster. But it's not really worth it. 17 of the artifacts come along in the special duties quests, but the remaining 10 require running all over creation for. Should you finish them all, all you get is a special spell:

Mephala's skill
Cost 30, always succeeds
Chameleon 50% for 30 seconds
Fortify attack 10 for 30 seconds
fortify short blade 20 for 30 seconds.

But bad, but not worth the effort.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 8:11 am
by fishhead
Yes there are some pretty wicked weapons, but have you noticed once you start becoming a master in your weapon most things die in 2-3 hits anyways?

I mean I have 98STR 98Longsword and an ebony longsword I enchanted myself with a simple paralyze for 5seconds on hit. Pretty simple to become a master in a weapon, you can probably get there by level 20 if you maximized the governing attribute of your weapon type.

I don't think there really is much point in finding a fantastic weapon, because as long as it's enchanted you can pretty much kill anything at 20+ level. Don't get me wrong I love finding wicked items and I LOVE the game, but at level 32 an enchanted butter knife can probably do the trick.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 9:18 am
by cjdevito
I don't know about a butter knife, but one of the daedric shrine quests does involve you killing things with a fork :)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 9:38 am
by fishhead
That's hilarious! Are you serious? Man that is why I love this game, I am in my Lvl 30's done most of the thief, fighter, mage and imperial quests and have only done half the main story. It's fricken HUGE!! A fork bwahahahahaha! That kills me.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 9:48 am
by cjdevito
Yeah, for the Daedric Lord of Madness, Sheogorath. He sends you to a crazy argonian to pick up a special weapon to kill a special netch with. The argonian's hut is filled to overflowing with spears and halberds of every description, but the weapon you want is a unique (albeit nearly worthless) fork sitting on his table :)

The daedric quests are all pretty obscure (except Mephala's, which you'll literally trip over if you join the Morag Tong) but they all lead to some great loot (again, except Mephala's, which is pretty weak).

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:15 am
by robot flux
Hold on, where is this shrine with the god? I mean, I found the argonian's hut and the knife, but a quest? Could any1 hint me on that?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:34 am
by jopperm2
The Mephala spell is one of the best spells in the game!
Its the only spell that gives you access to fortify attack, and one of the few spells that gives you access to fortify skill.. that's a really good cost for having that high of a chameleon..

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:38 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well i am sure that they mean that other Mephala Quest...

That one where you get that spell is Morag Tong quest.. while ring of khajit as reward is daedric shire quest..

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:04 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
Where is this fork quest?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:26 pm
by Alien_Newborn
The shrine is in the underworks of one of vivec's cantons (I think either st olms or st deyln, but I'm not sure). It's probably the most FUBAR quest in the game (I don't expect many of you to know what fubar means, but that's not important anyway).