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Change Heavy Armor skill to Medium Armor?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 8:03 am
by Bitex
As you see from the topic, I think I made a bad choice in the char selection bit...put Heavy Armor as a major skill on a battlemage template coz I thought it sounded cool. Didn't think of the fact that heavy armour WEIGHS a ton, and almost ALL my strength is used up in my armour now. And I'm doing the balmora quests (for the 3rd time) so I'm NOT very interested in starting all over just to change the Heavy Armor skill to Medium Armor instead.
Is too menial a change (in that it doesn't change a damn thing
in the way my character fights or acts otherwise than take off some weight), that I wouldn't consider it cheating. Am not into buffing other traits at all.

Do any of you mod wizard types here know if you can just switch the heavy to medium armour skill without restarting? like a console command? Or use the editor to edit your own character? so far I have only found posts that talk about making NPC's..the editor is too bewildering for me to get a grip on by myself.

Found some console commands on the main morrowind site forum.
Like player->COMMAND Mod/Set/GetMediumArmor

Am at work so just asking you people if that will work...I'd really love to get some load off my inventory so I can carry more loot than just my armour. I am now Level 3 and my max carrying weight is 220 (i upped strengt with 2x multipliers on each levelup, but the max weight only went up 5kg's each time). My armour alone weighs 210 :p And that's not even a full set of heavy armour. With a troll bone helmet.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 2:05 pm
by Sirius_Sam
I'm afraid I don't know the command to swap-out maj/min/misc skills, but you can use the console to manually invert (or just alter) your medium and heavy armor skills.

Open console and type:

player-> setmediumarmor XX


player-> setheavyarmor XX

Where XX is the value of the skill.


Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 4:37 pm
by Bitex
Thanks :) That sort of least since I can boost the Medium Armor skill which is in Misc skills now (at 5) so I can wear medium armor..this heavy stuff is, well, too heavy..can hardly carry it around, let alone carry much else! Is annoying...
You know any particular town they have good medium armor btw?
Haven't seen anything exciting yet..Dwarf medium had AC2..and my heavy steel/imperial steel armours are at AC17 and 23. Can't medium have better AC than Heavy anyways?

anyone else know console for swapping maj/min skills?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 4:43 pm
by Sirius_Sam
I actually think that Med. Armor is the lowest of the three classes. Glass -light- is great and my personal favorite (200 or so AC with a full set, when skill is maxed), but fragile. Daedric -heavy- is the best AC, but heavy as hell :p .

They have some pieces of Dreugh armor in Balmora and I think a Caldera armorer sells the breastplate. Orcish armor (full sets) are generally easy to come by...makes you look like a samurai and good defense too :) . I'm not entirely sure what the "best" medium armor is, since my last character was a Wizard and wore the Dreugh stuff and pieces of Heavy to build END, so I never actually experimented with trying to get a full set.


EDIT: As an aside, you may want to experiment with the 'Constant' Bound Armors...they're very good, easy to make/buy with at least one Golden Saint/Ascended Sleeper soulgem, decent clothes, jewelry and light armor pieces. You don't need to change your skills and it should help your encumbrance issues a ton :)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 5:11 pm
by UserUnfriendly
"For those who don't mind to use cheats, the command


in console allows you to completely recustomize your character. You can change the major/minor skills and your focus without affecting the skill levels (they just switch place). "

i got from another forum...

also, sam is right....

i have a shirt with bound cuirass and gloves, since if you play house tavanni, you hsould get a really killer item, a squid head helm with 120 second duration bound helm, and best of all will summon a lesser daedra for that duration...has 1200 charges or so, and uses only 70 or so...really like it, makes me look like sea monster...

bound equipment is best if your str is low, and


dont worry too much about encumberence tword middle of game, especially if you have been keeping up on the blades quest....


the hint book helps too...

say, anybody know for a fact if high str will help out in combat????

it should, but nice to know for a fact, and how much bonuses you get....

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 5:26 pm
by Doc Atlas
At lvl 3 your best bet is to head to Ald' Ruhn and hook yourself up with some free bonemold from the guard towers there. Bonemold kicks ass at lower levels when you can't get much better. When you are high enough in level, go to Vivec and kill yourself an Ordinator (taunt of course). They drop full sets of Indoril which is best medium armor I have seen so far at level 40. You will not be able to talk to Ordinators while wearing Indoril after that, they will notice you are wearing their armor and attack. Just take it off if you want to talk to one.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 6:37 pm
by UserUnfriendly

i been wondering where to get indoril, has great armor rating and killer weight....

but just got some dragonbone plate cuirass, and will it look cool with that and daedric gloves??? tips for hte stylish adventurer,,,,

anyway, those ordinators are snooty, they deserve a good duel...

not much of one, can use mourneblade, trap soul, 16-32 heaalth damage for 2 second per hit, and ring of maces, bound mage for 120 second, and 16 point str fortify for same time...

whack , whack, urg....

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 7:22 pm
In my game, I pushed the medium armor skills through the early part of the game, focusing on Bone mold. Then when I got Endurance up to 80, I switched over to light armor with some glass, covering up that ugly green stuff with a tasteful robe.

I made sure through all the early part of the game to wear some light armor like some chitin greaves so that when I was ready to switch the skill has had some progression. Worked great. The only medium piece I use now is a Dreugh shield because a glass one would be so ugly and I can't cover it up. No helmet ever.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 8:45 pm
by Doc Atlas
I am an Orc Warrior, so heavy armor all the way for me (ebony)...

Don't know about matching Daedric and Indoril, the Indoril looks good in general but different color and style. Speaking of Daedric I need to get my hands on some! My questing has not brought me across a set that I could obtain. I saw a guy wearing one once but when I killed him it gave me that "you have messed with the story line by killing this guy" message.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:37 pm
by UserUnfriendly
actually best armor is bound....sorta...

will give great bonuses, the only skills bonuses in the game, spell wise, but will train you in heavy, light , medium and unarmored all at the same time, so you wont level fast in any one type...but is light, easy to wear, and looks smoking...

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 12:16 am
by Doc Atlas
Don't you have to recast bound over and over?