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Mod Reviews: miscellaneous items

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 6:09 pm
by fable
Shakti's Book of Secrets: A very nice mod, this. It's a book that shows up somewhere in Balmora (I'm not going to give it away, since the modder considers it a mini-quest--though it's extremely easy to locate). The contents include a list of all fast travel routes, with Temple and Imperial Cult recall points; secret master trainers, names and locations; all NPCs essential to the main plot; notable vendors; and a list of all monsters and soul gems they fit into.

Like me, you may find this item over-powered. I'm only using it for one thing: the travel routes. I figure this sort of thing should have its own page in your Journal, but the Journal isn't exactly the best feature of Morrowind. :rolleyes: Presentation is good, installation is a snap, and so is uninstalling the mod if you choose. It's available from ... lugins.htm