corpus??/spoilers...and some new experiment ideas...
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 1:23 am
those who knew me as a major cheese meister in bg2 forums will recognize this, the user puts out some new cheese, and posts a question at the same time...
I am still getting my stronghold in decent shape, doing trevanni quests to get promoted to master so i can give up my copy of dwemer animeculi to get robot guards...
so i have not even done th corpus quest of the main blades quest!!! at lv 50 or so...eek....
so i have heard somewhere that in the main quest, you get the corus disease, and the longer you keep the disease before getting the cure, the more stats boost up....
at high 90s for endurace and str, how do i maximize the effect???
how do i get the best possible exploit for it??? i need details...
new experiemnt, will post results later, but essentially, what happens if you whack a summons, like a saint, with a absorb magic spell???
now those of us who are spell casters know if you use that spell or bind to a weapon, at the end of the duration the stolen mana is returned or you lose it... but what happens if the creature dies???i mena we have all been hit with stats drain before, right?? and if you kill the mage or creature, you still have drained stats you need to use a spell for. so what i am thinking is if you absorb magic with a blade, and whack it fast enough with the sword and kill it, you might KEEP the mana....
thus once again the best sign and race is breton with atronach...
recharge with your sword!!!
looking so foward to trevanni stronghold, i have location mark for a dungeon, but no dungeon yet, could be still part of phase 2...
I am still getting my stronghold in decent shape, doing trevanni quests to get promoted to master so i can give up my copy of dwemer animeculi to get robot guards...
so i have not even done th corpus quest of the main blades quest!!! at lv 50 or so...eek....
so i have heard somewhere that in the main quest, you get the corus disease, and the longer you keep the disease before getting the cure, the more stats boost up....
at high 90s for endurace and str, how do i maximize the effect???
how do i get the best possible exploit for it??? i need details...
new experiemnt, will post results later, but essentially, what happens if you whack a summons, like a saint, with a absorb magic spell???
now those of us who are spell casters know if you use that spell or bind to a weapon, at the end of the duration the stolen mana is returned or you lose it... but what happens if the creature dies???i mena we have all been hit with stats drain before, right?? and if you kill the mage or creature, you still have drained stats you need to use a spell for. so what i am thinking is if you absorb magic with a blade, and whack it fast enough with the sword and kill it, you might KEEP the mana....
thus once again the best sign and race is breton with atronach...
recharge with your sword!!!
looking so foward to trevanni stronghold, i have location mark for a dungeon, but no dungeon yet, could be still part of phase 2...