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Shrine of Boethiah : Goldbrand
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 11:54 am
by cjdevito
Just an FYI, as this has to be one of the most obscure quests in the game.
One of the daedra, Boethiah, has a shrine that's more then a bit tricky to find. Why? Because it's sank to the ocean floor. North of Hla Oad on an island there's a daedric ruin. If you check out the ocean a short distance west and north of the island, you'll find ruined daedric buildings on the ocean's floor. Amongst them is the shattered shrine of Boethiah. You can click on boethiah's head, located a short distance from the rest of the statue, and initiate the quest.
He wants his shrine rebuilt, and sends you to caldera to find a sculptor. Ask around and you'll be directed to a shopkeeper, who in turn directs you to an orc in Ghorak Manor across the street from his shop. The orc requires 2000 gold and a copy of a book on the shrine (Boethiah's Glory, available in Jobasha's rare books) to begin work. Once he starts, it will take him 45 days to complete.
At that time, head to the rebuilt shrine -- located at Khartag Point -- and click on the statue. You'll be rewarded with Goldbrand, a two handed sword with impressive base damage and some enchantments.
No combat is required for this quest. A first level character who can scrape together 2000 gold can perform it easily, allowing access to a rather solid weapon early on. Goldbrand is far from the best weapon in the game, but it's certainly better then most.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 12:22 pm
by Ares2382
thanks for the info, can I just ask you a favor? next time you post something like this can you PLEASE write "spoiler" so that people, like me, who haven't done this quest and wanna figure it out on their own don't, end up reading you post and getting spoiled.
thank you
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 1:30 pm
by Loredweller
And, BTW,
i have serious doubts if one can get there at level 1
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 1:35 pm
by cjdevito
Why? There's nothing to kill. No place you have to get to is remote. The old shrine is two minutes walk from Balmora, a minute from Hla Oad. Getting 2000 coins isn't hard, neither is getting the book. So where's the problem?
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 3:41 pm
by Kameleon
Thought I would bump this as I've been having problems. Firstly, are you sure that it's 45 days? I read elsewhere that it was only a week or so. Secondly, where is the exact location of the new statue? Is it really obvious, and am I missing it because I haven't waited enough time? I can't find Khartag Point mentioned anywhere, on the map, on my interactive map, or anywhere.
Also, this sword ROCKS and you should get it as quickly as possible if you're a powergamer
. It does 10-50 damage, with an extra 10-30 fire damage. Good no?
This is another thing I've heard, it may be a hoax but I'm not absolutely sure it is.
You can only get this sword after you have gotten the Goldbrand.
After you get the Goldbrand, you have to do a few steps to upgrade it to
Eltonbrand. First, you have to become a vampire, any clan would do.
Second, go to Mage Guild in Foreign's Quarter in Vivec, talk to the High
Elf Sirilonwe about "someone killed." She will send you off to Ald'ruhn
to kill Shashev, who's in Ald-Skar Inn. Third, after you have killed
Shashev, take his key and talk to Sirilonwe again. Fourth, have Goldbrand
in your inventory and at least 11171 gold. Fifth, drop 11171 gold on the
ground in a pile, then drop the rest of your gold in the second pile. Now
pick up the 11171 pile into your inventory, and you should see the message,
"TO HELL WITH CAROLINA!" and your Goldbrand should now be Eltonbrand.
This sword is a decent upgrade to the Goldbrand, and the method seems stupid enough that it couldn't be a hoax. Could it?
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 4:09 pm
by T'lainya
@ Kam, the orc tells you "a couple of weeks".
Khartag point is a bit south of Gnisis, he'll be there standing around if you show up too earlyand tell you to come back later
If you ask people about Khartag point it will come up on the world map
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 4:13 pm
by Kameleon
Wow T', I never knew you played Morrowind
Thanks - I was looking on the official forums (which are just a bit more active than these
) and I read there that the shrine would be built just north of Molag wrong was
that! I had my suspicions when the Orc said "coast" and "north" though...
I suppose I'll wait around a little longer and then head up to Gnisis. Ta muchly
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 1:28 am
by Kanji
i JUST finished the eltonbrand qest...and by WORKED! im not sure WHY they would make THAT the quest but they did =/
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 4:44 am
by Kameleon actually works?? So, so weird...
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 8:18 am
by T'lainya
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 1:53 pm
by Kameleon
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 2:06 pm
by T'lainya
LMAO but there was a nice little smugglers cave and a shipwreck and a tomb with all those lovely souls to trap
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 2:12 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by T'lainya
LMAO but there was a nice little smugglers cave and a shipwreck and a tomb with all those lovely souls to trap
LOL won't all the killing be so much easier when you have a lovely Goldbrand?
I'm actually planning to change mine into an Eltonbrand - I'll become a vamp, do a few quests for my clan (can anyone suggest which has the best quests in terms of rewards?) and then turn back with the lovely cure that really shouldn't exist, but does
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:34 pm
by cjdevito
(can anyone suggest which has the best quests in terms of rewards?)
The only one that offers any tangible rewards that mean anything after curing yourself of vampirism is Aundae.
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2002 12:33 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by cjdevito
The only one that offers any tangible rewards that mean anything after curing yourself of vampirism is Aundae.
Cool, I'll probably go for them then
What is the reward, just curious - if it's armour other than heavy or a weapon other than a long sword I may as well not bother...
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2002 9:23 am
by cjdevito
It's a set of anti-vampire stuff you get by killing a vampire hunter (who only exists once the quest is given). If memory serves it's an ebony shield and a mace, both of which are enchanted nicely for slaying vamps.
Also, there's a non-clan vampire quest offered by Raven Omayn in the Telvanni council building in sadrith mora that has a tangible reward.
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2002 12:01 pm
by Kameleon
Great, that's exactly the amount of information I wanted - i.e. not too much, but enough to make me hungry. Thanks