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spoilers about secret masters and house trevanni

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:09 am
by UserUnfriendly
ok, first the trev stronghold is seeming ly the best stronghold.

I love it!!!

even has its own lava pool, enchanter and spell maker...

and in the best trev tradition, a balcondy you can only get to by levitation... teh robot guard look cool, but they are nerfed... annoyed a couple of critters, and ran back to guards, wanted to see them get mushed, they just stood there...

ok, due to a whacked thing in the trev house advancement script, you must not ask for advance ment past spell wright until you finished ALL or aryons quests...

if you are wizard, his last quest when you report in makes you a master, and you have forfeited your chance to make grand poobah...thank you cj for telling me this...

finsih up his last quest, report,a nd then ask for advance ment, you can challenge gothy and be supreme... other wise you restuck at master...

is this true for hlau and reldy houses too???

ok, secret master of conjuration will NOT train you unless you are temple, he says faction members only....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!

the secret master of blunt will not give you the option at all, is this a bug, or do you have to be nevarine to get eh option????

so post which house your stronghold is in....

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 8:46 am
by fable
I can't abide the Telvanni folks' attitude, but I do agree about the stronghold. It easily outclasses the rest. I rather wish the devs had come up with adequate specials they could have placed in the Hlaatu stronghold.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 10:25 am
by Biljac
Same here Fable. I just can't go along with Telvanni attitudes even if they do have better strongholds. Actually if you will look at most of the guilds, Redoran is the House most respected even if Hlaatu seems to be tied more closely to the Empire. Just ask some of the NPC's which House they most respect :)

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 10:32 am
by cjdevito
I think it's a trade off issue. The Telvanni have the coolest stronghold, but it's really in the middle of nowhere and a long haul from Sadrith Mora to get to it. The hlalu have the worst stronghold, but it's 10 seconds from Balmora. The redoran are kind of a compromise between the two, slightly better then the hlalu and slightly further away from a major city.

UU, neither of the other houses has a similiarly problematic advancement scheme.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 12:33 am
by UserUnfriendly
so does anyone know if conjuration secret master an dblunt secret master can be trained from after you are nevarine???

also, the med armor secret master in the docks of tel fyr is not htere!!!!


:( :( :mad:

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 1:45 am
by Sirius_Sam
UU, go here and d/l this the secret master plugin. The official game is bugged and the Med. Armor trainer is not enabled. This mod fixes that :) ... lugins.htm


Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 3:40 am
by UserUnfriendly
thanks, but its ok....

i use unarmored, or heavy exclusively....

heavy, like draonbone cuirass for mondo points, and un, like my fav aryons gloves....

Wicked to summon a sorm, frost and fire at one go....

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 3:42 am
by UserUnfriendly
so how come the conjuror master needs faction approval???

and why does the blunt not offer the training???

both bugged too???

i mean, seriously, the secret masters should offer training to everyone....

might try conjuraiton master later, after talking to vivec...

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 4:13 am
by Sirius_Sam
Yeah, I know what you mean. I got my Med. and Hvy. Armor up early for the END boost (Med. Armor is about 60-70 something and Hvy. is around 50 something) and then switched exclusively to light armor.

Unfortunately, my assassin is far too fashion-conscious :rolleyes: . He refuses to wear any kind of skirt (no offense to the ladies out there, but couldn't they have used a little more masculine term?) except the Imperial (or common knock-off of the Imperial) and I just can't put 'im in a robe at all. I mean...c'mon....he's an ASSASSIN :cool: .

I got so tired of looking at the glass armor (which is initially very cool) that I finally outfitted him in chitin and netch leather to better represent his profession. He's now armored, sans shield, with the 'Savior's Hide Cuirass', 'Boots of Blinding Speed', glass bracers, chitin pauldrons, leather greaves and an imperial dragonscale helm (just 'cause he looks cool in it :) ). I've decided I don't care about the 'best' AC anymore (lt., med. or hvy.) and I'm going to try to roleplay him a bit more before the endgame.

Personally, I haven't actually used a trainer since around level 45 or so...I also doubt I will before I've finished the main quest with this guy.

Anyway, you need to be Adept rank in the Temple to get training in Conjuration, but I honestly don't know why the Blunt Master (sounds kinda hip-hop :) ) won't train you since I've never tried to train with him.