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St Olms in Vivec

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:30 pm
by Chanak
Spoiler Request

I was wondering if anyone knows where to find that trap door that leads underneath the St. Olms district in Vivec. I need to find that Thieves' Guild contact for a Blades Mission, and I've been going in circles looking for it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:00 pm
by Sirius_Sam
The trap door is in the 'Canalworks'. Just head down any stairs you see from the lowest waistworks to find one of the trapdoors down. If that doesn't work, just swim around the sides of St. Olms and enter the underworks through one of the grates ;) .


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:28 pm
by cjdevito
More specifically, it's inside a book shop in the canalworks, not the canalworks proper.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:36 pm
by Sirius_Sam
Maybe we're talking about different areas or quests, but I think Chanak's asking about the Khajiit thief (the one being chased by the taxman). All you need to do is get to the canalworks proper and go down into the Underworks (you can find the contact with a quick search)...I don't remember a bookstore access, CJ :confused:


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 3:25 pm
by cjdevito
D'oh, we are. I'm thinking the thieve's guild branch in Vivec.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:30 pm
by Chanak
I'm looking for that Khajiit thief. It's kinda nice to have a non-combat mission. Wiping out the five Camonna (sp?) Tong in Balmora gave me a fill of combat for a while. :)

Btw, Adrenaline Rush is a very nice power, indeed. I was able to kill all five of those Camonna Tong and run out of Balmora while still under it's effects.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:38 pm
by Bitex
What's in the guarded room under St olms btw?

Speaking of St. Olms underworks, I ventured a little further in, and got to a bridge with a very hard person to kill guarding a door. He killed my lv6 battlemage very quickly until I used the levitate/greater fireball combo, got him to fall into the water, and could stand still and finish him off with a 15-30 points touch-firespell (spent like 500 magicka). Checked out the door, and immediately got assaulted by 3 more very-hard-to-kill people, at which point I decided to give a damn about the whole place and leave. It seemed like some worship shrine to a huge stone god figure (was in the back of the room) but I never got past those guards.

Anyone else been inside there? Is there anything worth the hassle of killing 4 highlevel characters?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:42 pm
by cjdevito
One of the high-level Morag Tong quests is to wipe'em out. Otherwise you can safely ignore it, although it does have some decent loot (including a number of sanguine items for the Morag Tong).

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:32 pm
by Chanak

I went down that way myself. I took out the doorguard (she was tough), and then went inside. Ouch. I managed to kill another one before my character hit the floor. He's a level 7 redguard knight, but no match for those guys behind that door.

I was thinking to myself as I finished off that doorguard: if this is the route to the thief, I, ah, better come back later with a bigger sword. ;)

Fortunately, I found the thief elsewhere. Thanks for the help!