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OMG!!!WTF!!! fury drained my heavy and other skills!!!HELP!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 7:52 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ok, been collecting unique weapons, for a while, and i got fury...

it adds 20 to attack skill?? not sure which one, but probably long sword....

but it also drops 20 off heavy, med and light and unarmored...

i use almsot all of them, since i like th summon gloves but also dragonbone cuirass....

so like a goof, i accidentally equipped and unequipped several times...just noticed, after putting fury away as souvenier in my strong hold, my heavy, med and light and unarmored skills are ALL down to 0!!!!!

so annoyed!!!

tried dispell, tried resting, nothing!!! how do you restore skills???

temple??? or is there a potion to restore skills????

i have all the attribute restore spells, but i did not find any restore skills spell....

HELP ME!!!! i dont want to blow abotu a days worth of saved games...main line, so really a pain in the neck...

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:21 pm
by fable
It's a known bug. Fury is supposed to change your skills that way only while equipped. You can either adjust your skills back, now, or wait for the patch--which should be along within the next week (or so I've been told).

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:23 pm
by cjdevito
You can also patch it with a mod. has one, look for 'Fury bug fix'

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:31 pm
by UserUnfriendly
yeah, i figured as much...dumped saves, only did 3 ashlander quests, will NOT get fury...

i remembered my experiments in bound constant effect weapons, and how it was impossible to get rid ofg them...waiting for hte patch...

is it my imagination or is constant effect really buggy????