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Bal Molagmer??? *spoiler*

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:33 pm
by Odonatathrope
Okay, so I have finished all of Gentleman Jim's Bal Molagmer quests, wearing the gloves the whole time. Finally, he tells me I know enough to be Bal Molagmer on my own, or something to that effect. The gloves, which someone told me were "priceless", don't seem to have any further value. What was the point of this whole sidebar? Could somebody spoil me please? There must have been some benefit.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:24 am
by cjdevito
Sorry, it's just a set of thieve's guild quests. The only benefit from it is being able to advance in rank.

That, and getting to enjoy playing Robin Hood.