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THE weapon for enchanters
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 11:47 pm
by cjdevito
I was tooling around with enchanting earlier and I made a somewhat surprising discovery. I tried enchanting a daedric staff, noticed it had 21 enchant points. Not bad, I figure -- that's the same as the daedric dai-katana, the highest weapon value I'd seen. Set up my enchantments, realize I don't have quite enough cash to buy the item I'd created, so exit from the enchanting screen. Start it up again planning to make a slightly toned-down version of the staff.... and....
Oops. Clicked on the wrong staff. Accidentally selected an ebony staff in the enchant interface instead of the deadric one. I'm about to clear it and reselect the daedric one and I notice.... the ebony staff has 90 enchant points. That's more then four times as much as any other weapon!
Ended up making an ebony staff that absorbs 30 health per hit, does 100-100 lightning damage and paralyzes for five seconds.
I'm betting this is a bug and the enchantment value is supposed to be 9, not 90. Unless/until it's fixed, though, this is the item for anyone who wants to go hog wild with their own custom enchantments.
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 12:26 am
by UserUnfriendly
try this...only ebony staff can do this, has highest enchant points per game....
summon bound axe or warhammer when STRIKES 120
fortify str 50 points when strikes...120 as well...
for a weakling mage, this can fortify your low attrib str until you get up some in levels...
can do a constant effect 25 str as well, but hardly seems worth it...
better off with exquisite amulets and rings...
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:01 am
by Sirius_Sam
I agree...the Ebony Staff is great for Wizards
IMHO, I'm not so sure that the 90 EP is an error. It would make sense that the designers would give SOMETHING to the wizard character in lieu of a high-damage weapon. If it is going to be changed in a future patch, then...well...we can always change it back with the editor
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 5:12 am
by Odonatathrope
If I recall correctly, when I was playing around with enchant I noticed that the ebony shortsword was 40 points. So I don't think this is a bug.
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 7:51 pm
by coolguyclay
The Sheilds
If you really want to go enchant crazy, get some dreadic sheilds. The regular sheild can hold 150 enchant points. The tower sheild can hold 225!!! The freaking huge!!! I made mine constantly restore 5 health AND boost and attribute by 10. Fantastic!
You don't get a "Cast When Strikes" option (obviously), but it's the largest amount of enchant there is. Better than rings and such. Give it a shot. I know there is a regular sheild out in Ibar-Dad, but I forget where I got the tower sheild, perhaps the ruins on Sadrith Mora.
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 12:57 am
by UserUnfriendly
the bestuse for daedric tower shield is to summon golden saints. will put out a badass saint for 81 seconds...great for harvesting and very nice for summoning a helper for combat...3 saints and about 60 firestorms later, vivec was toast...didnt bother, since i just wanted to see what loot he had...
nice about summons, they are immune to your own spells.....
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 2:44 am
by Loredweller
BTW, has anybody found an ebony ring? Except one of the traders quest in Al'ruhn, of course, IMHO it'd be stupid to keep this one. I wonder if somebody sells those.
And, IMHO, with enchanting capacity all is OK. It's very special material and is supposed to be such way - specially sor magic and magicans. It explains why the mines is so valuable.
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 5:00 pm
by preiter
Enchanted my ebony staff with:
3 seconds calm humanoid
3 seconds calm creature
3 seconds shock damage (using up the rest of the 90 points)
Sure, I could have just made it one instant blast, but this way I get to watch them stand there for a few seconds while the lightning burns their bodies to a crisp. One hit will take out up to a Dremora Lord. Ordinators usually take 2 hits.
I only pull it out when I am feeling really nasty.