Beyond toilet walls...
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:37 am
Last month I left Bangkok with some friends on my way to the province of Suratthani, heading to the island of Koh Samui, when we stopped over a gas station.
My intestines were on fire so I had "to go."
The gas station was fairly new and I suppose that its toilets would be clean therefore a comfy way "to go." Sure enough, the place was a great place "to let go." There was no one there, or so I thought.
The first stall was closed (as it was occupied) so I headed on to the next cubicle after the second.
Just when I was seated and poised to emit a very "silent" fart, I heard a voice from the next cubicle...
"Hi, how are you doing?"
HOLY-SHEESH-KEBAB!!! I thought in my mind. With the very "audiodynamic" set up of the room, I would have thought that it was God talking to me if I knew I was alone. The voice was resonating all over the place.
Normally, I would keep as dead silent as possible in a situation like this so no one would think I was there. I am certainly not the type to chat with strangers in highway comfort rooms or any comfort room for that matter. (SYMian Men's Room an exception ) What was I to do? run? keep quiet? so many questions in my mind...
I really don't know what has gotten into me, but anyway, I answered, a little embarrassed:
"Pretty good, I guess!"
And the stranger said:
"Whats UP with you?"
Talk about your unnervingly dumb questions! WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? (In my mind) I looked up the ceiling thinking that the guy is actually above the cubicle looking down and that he saw my "thingy" in an UPright position. ("YIKES!") I was really beginning to think this was just TOO WEIRD! So I said:
Then, I heard the person, all upset, say, "Look, I'll call you back, there's some idiot in the next toilet answering all the questions I am asking you."
My intestines were on fire so I had "to go."
The gas station was fairly new and I suppose that its toilets would be clean therefore a comfy way "to go." Sure enough, the place was a great place "to let go." There was no one there, or so I thought.
The first stall was closed (as it was occupied) so I headed on to the next cubicle after the second.
Just when I was seated and poised to emit a very "silent" fart, I heard a voice from the next cubicle...
"Hi, how are you doing?"
HOLY-SHEESH-KEBAB!!! I thought in my mind. With the very "audiodynamic" set up of the room, I would have thought that it was God talking to me if I knew I was alone. The voice was resonating all over the place.
Normally, I would keep as dead silent as possible in a situation like this so no one would think I was there. I am certainly not the type to chat with strangers in highway comfort rooms or any comfort room for that matter. (SYMian Men's Room an exception ) What was I to do? run? keep quiet? so many questions in my mind...
I really don't know what has gotten into me, but anyway, I answered, a little embarrassed:
"Pretty good, I guess!"
And the stranger said:
"Whats UP with you?"
Talk about your unnervingly dumb questions! WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? (In my mind) I looked up the ceiling thinking that the guy is actually above the cubicle looking down and that he saw my "thingy" in an UPright position. ("YIKES!") I was really beginning to think this was just TOO WEIRD! So I said:
Then, I heard the person, all upset, say, "Look, I'll call you back, there's some idiot in the next toilet answering all the questions I am asking you."