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What's next in the main quest? (spoiler)

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 3:51 pm
by paulsbo
Well, its been a while since I was cured of Corprus and Caius left for the mainland. I've leveled up to 50, become grandmaster in House Hlaalu, and completed my stronghold. What comes next?

Caius didn't leave much for me to go on, and I'm beginning to think its time to march on up to Red Mountain and take out Dagroth Ur. I tried that today, but I whacked on him for 15 minutes with no noticeable effect. Before I attacked him, he mentioned something about my needing tools.

I'd also like to upgrade my few pieces of Ebony and Orcish armor, I've only got 3 pieces of Daedric and would like to see more.

Any help would be appreciated, even a point-me-in-the-right-direction. Thanks. :cool:

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 5:40 pm
by fable
Have you visited charming Ghostgate, yet? :)

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 9:25 pm
by paulsbo
I've been to Ghostgate, talked to every NPC I could find in the Temple, Dusk Tower, and Dawn Tower. No one gave me any information that I could use, but one guy did give me the option of talking about the Blades--though he didn't have much to say.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:00 am
by paulsbo
I found a partial walkthrough which directed me to go back to the Urshilaku Camp and talk with the head-chick.

The walkthrough address is:

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:19 am
by fable
My response was aimed at your last question. ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:21 am
by flash95
your last orders were to go to vivic and talk to the lady librarian that directed you to the rare book. you will find out she is in trouble and needs your help..