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Help: Mage's Guild Problem

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:23 am
by Reckless
Before completing Edwinna's quests, I went to Vivec and talked to Trebonious. Thinking his Disappearance of the Dwarves quest was ridiculous, I clicked on the "Archmage" button. He challenged me to a duel and I offed him in the Arena. I now have his staff and everything. I've since completed Edwinna's quests.

The problem is that nobody will acknowledge me as the Archmage. When I ask to be advanced, everyone says that only Trebonious can advance me. I've gone to both Edwinna and Skink with Trebonious' staff, but have had no luck.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 10:29 am
by cjdevito
In-game, you're screwed :/ There are three ways to be granted archmage rank, but all three require trebonius' participation.

You can fix it with the console in two different ways. Either respawn trebonius (sorry, I don't have the command handy), or use:

PC->raiserank "mage" (not sure about mage, it may be mages or some other variant).

...which will make you archmage.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 1:41 pm
by Azkor
CJ the command is resurrect "trebonius" while in the mage guild. You can also use placeatpc trebonius 1,1,1.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 10:38 am
by Reckless
I can't get any of these console commands to work at all.

Can someone tell me precisely what I'm supposed to type to respawn trebonious? When I use the placeatpc command, I get an error message saying it can't find item "trebonious." I've also tried "resurrect trebonious" and player->resurrect trebonious. I've also used "arch-mage," "trebonious_artorious," "trebonious artorious," etc, but he doesn't reappear. I've also tried the "raiserank" command in multiple variations, but nothing happens.

This is a really dumb bug. If he's dead, people shouldn't be telling me that only he can advance me.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 11:22 am
by Odonatathrope
If I remember correctly (I killed him!), it's TreboniUS ArtoriUS (no O!). Try placeatpc "trebonius artorius"1,1,1

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 11:22 am
by Azkor
Sorry Reckless I wasnt thinking you would just try trebonius. If you want a detailed view of how to do this please go here:
Edit: Doh did have links enabled.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 11:38 am
by Sirius_Sam
Odonatathrope's time, look in the editor for the NPC's actual name.


Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:17 pm
by Reckless
Actually, I did go back and use the correct mane when I tried the edit. (I pulled it from my journal.) I just had the "ous" in my head. The real problem turned out that I didn't have the corrext syntax. Several of the websites I've seen have confusing instructions as to how to use the "placeatpc" command. But Odonatathrope's command worked and I managed to restore him.

Unfortunately, that doesn't solve my problem. Either he immediately tries to kill me or, if I use the "stopcombat" command and setfight at 10, he just tells me to meet him in the arena. But when I go there, he doesn't show up. I suspect I need to reset his dialogue, but I don't know how. I think I just need to give up. <sigh>

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:21 pm
by frudi
i had the same problem - challenged him when i was just a wizzard and couldn't become an arch-mage later. i also tried the placeatpc command and it spawned him ok, but he was pissed of and attacked me immediately. if i used chameleon or invisibility to try and talk to him, he just said 'meet me in the arena' or something like that and the only possible response was 'goodbye'. so i just gave up on becoming arch-mage and went on to finish the main plot...

i did notice today on some mod site that someone made a plugin that's supposed to fix the problem. i think it was on rpgplanet...

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 9:01 am
by Odonatathrope
I saw somewhere on another site the console commands for lowering an NPCs fight reaction, precisely for this problem. I think it was a three-command series that allowed you to respawn a character you'd killed and set them back near default. The instructions were either at bullhonkie's site ( or at Shakti's (don't remember URL, but you can link from bullhonkie). One of the FAQs/walkthroughs has the commands.