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Major Technical Problem

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 8:34 am
by Kassaras
Ok I have the following problem:
Whenever I try to start a new game I get the load screen that says "starting new game" this loads about half full and then I get the sound of error from windows and the whole screen goes black.This happens whenever I start a new game either SoA or ToB.
I have no problem with my saved games.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 8:44 am
by cpa199
I had a problem like this at a point in the drow city. I couldn't enter the tavern otherwise it would do exactly this. It turned out to be a corrupt file, area2400.bif, that I am still looking to get a copy of. It could be a corrupt file in your case also.

Carl Austin

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 3:40 am
by Kassaras
I don't think it is a corrupt cd since I have played throughout the game for many times.The problem has only just manifested...

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 5:00 am
by Nae'run
Have you been cheesing alot? Many of the ads on aint designed by the Balck Isle company, so they may have some minor errors.
Or if you have made your own weapons, or if you have been using SK to much!!! I don't know, I never experinced someting like that before!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 2:08 pm
by Kassaras
I have used SK only two times so far.
As for add ons I only have Tashia and the upgraded celestial fury.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 1:42 pm
by Kassaras
Sorry to bump this but I really need help here!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:10 pm
by DrSlikk
don't worry my friend, i no what u are talking about, and have had similair problems and has to do with the save file not being compatible with the game.If u use SK to alter it or ure cahracter, the game can't read it and crashes, this happens if u give ureself one avatar and an appearance of another character, or in my case i tried to give a snake a high level. Just make sure u don't do anything radical in SK and yo'll be fine, especially since it can't be a corrupted file.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 2:08 am
by Kassaras
The problem isn't at my saved games!
I can't start a new game!!!!
All of my saves are perfectly functional.
I unistalled and reinstalled everything and yet the problem still persists....Argh! :mad:

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 3:20 am
by Littiz
but you should really consider a corrupted file, since the problem is so specific...

Anyway things like this, more often than not, are simply due to the actual windows configuration, in my experience at least...
Often I solved them re-installing windows.....

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 3:40 am
by Kassaras
If it is a corrupted file how do I resolve the problem?
Reinstall windows will be my last resort here and I really do hope it will not come to this!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 8:37 am
by Kassaras

Final bump.
I am hoping for a solution here!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 11:40 am
by Littiz
Forum members always try to help, I guess here nobody has
a clue........
I won't suggest you to re-install everything, but I WOULD
I think, being addicted to the game.....
In fact, I've optimazed the task, I've got a second HD where
all the starting programs and configurations files are held
for a really quick re-install, also I move there before formatting
all the mail-related files, bookmarks, documents and so on.
In the end you'll be very efficient..
Still I hope someone could give you a "real" help! :(

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 11:59 am
by Rattman
you could try to run scandisk and if it has any bad sectors then your hard drive and bis broken and windows will then work around it and it won't be saveing any game files to the bad sectors

and if that does not work

it may sound painfull but i'll say it

Re-format your hard drive

(ouch) sorry :(

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 11:03 am
by Kassaras
Ok I did run a scandisk,unistalled reinstalled.
All to no avail.Sigh
It seems that I'll be using SK from now on to edit my earlier save each time I want to play a new game.
Anyway thanks for the replies!

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 12:11 pm
by Littiz
So, maybe you really have a bad cd...