The following assumes a few things:
(1) Viconia's romance value "ViconiaRomanceActive" is 1
(2) Viconia's romance value "ViconiaRomanceOut" is 0
If you want to reset her romance dialogues, you CAN do the following, from the CLUAConsole:
First, get Viconia's "LoveTalk" rating, by putting your cursor over her paperdoll or portrait, then typing:
* The correct word is either LOCAL or LOCALS, so if one word doesn't give you a value, use the other word in its place.
Now, lets say that you wanted to start Viconia's romance dialogues back to the beginning, the first dialogue she has with you; once more, place your cursor on either Viconia's paperdoll or her portrait, then type the following at the CLUAConsole:
* Again, the word might be LOCALS, so after attempting to set that value, check it with GetGlobal.
So, assuming that you've done all of this correctly, Viconia is now poised to initiate dialogue with your character. The next step is to force her first dialogue to trigger; you do this by typing the following at the CLUAConsole:
This SHOULD force the dialogue to trigger. However, if the dialogue doesn't appear, make sure that "ViconiaRomanceActive," a Global value, is set to 1, and "ViconiaRomanceOut," also a Global value, is set to 0. You can use the SetGlobal command at the CLUACOnsole to check and set these values if need be.
I am sure that I am forgetting something, but if the above method works for you, then it really didn't matter.