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cool plugin,,,and a way to get cash as well...

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:01 pm
by UserUnfriendly
if you downloaded the beth plugin for entertainment in 8 plates in balmora, and got good acrobatic and personality skills, you too can song and dance your way to fame and fortune!!!

tell jokes, and you get appause sounds and 75 drakes...

high step kick, you need a bone mold shield and good acrobatics and you can entertain the crwod with the hlau traditional high kick step dance, 100 drakes...

now i need 5 kwami eggs to juggle,

and a lute and flute to play songs... :D

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:09 pm
by fable
Think I'll pass, at least for now. My current pair of characters have almost no personality and personality skills (though my bruiser has picked up a little bit of acrobatics by jumping around in the hills). I'm afraid either of 'em would be the Fonzi Bear of Vvardenfell.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:14 pm
by cjdevito
Y'know, there's actually a "fat lute" in-game. Heh. Damned if I remember where I found it, though.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:59 pm
by UserUnfriendly


(groan, i have just dated myself... i remember the muppet show...)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 6:49 am
by Crosswind
...remembering the muppet show only makes you like over 16 =D


Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:03 am
by Sirius_Sam
The plugin from Bethsoft is actually pretty good. It's a lot more entertaining to actually FAIL to entertain the guests...some of the dialogue is hilarious :D


Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:08 am
by fable
Originally posted by cjdevito
Y'know, there's actually a "fat lute" in-game. Heh. Damned if I remember where I found it, though.
Several of 'em. They show up in rogue lairs. Hassoun has one, and I know I've found 'em in at least two other places.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:14 am
by Sirius_Sam
heh...ph4t l00t!

It's nice to see that the devs have a sense of humor :)