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Bunny Hopping

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 1:20 pm
by nVrt
I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who:

#1: remembers what this is
#2: can still do this without scripting
#3: does it in morrowind and now has a insanely high acrobatics skill
#4: gets laughed at by friends for how stupid it looks

Back to work

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 3:27 pm
by fable
I suppose you could do that in Morrowind if you cared to edit the file containing your skill stats, but it's really hard to achieve that kind of formidable acrobatic skill. Much easier in Daggerfall, especially if you chose to make it a major. And yes, it did look silly. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 7:41 pm
by UserUnfriendly
actually, bunny hopping everywhere really raises acrobatics skill..i do it now for getting around, thinking of adding two constant effect exquiste rings jump spells, and amulet...

will let me move around wilderness areas faster, than lev, and cover more ground...

as for looking silly, well, it looks silly when you jump maybe 10 feet in the city, but if you jump 100 feet, it stops being silly and simply reafferms your super human status...

ok, it does look silly...giggle...

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:50 pm
by nVrt
"actually, bunny hopping everywhere really raises acrobatics skill..i do it now for getting around, thinking of adding two constant effect exquiste rings jump spells, and amulet... "

You enchant them yourself? I think I saw this in another thread, but what the hell... At what point do you get to add constant effect jump? Using a mod?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 10:27 pm
by UserUnfriendly
you pick up jump spell in i think a mage guild or temple...

use golden saints, easy way is ummon yourself, using another ring or shield, and soul trap using a good weapon with soul trap enchant...get summon saints in tel brannora, at teranna's upper tower chamber

i never enchant stuff myself, always hire a mage guild pro...

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 10:46 pm
by fable
But bunnyhopping in Morrowind typically doesn't get anywhere near the ridiculous levels it could easily achieve in Daggerfall. A hop or two taking a person over a town...? I've seen that in Daggerfall. Only with the aid of magic or editing could you take Balmora in a couple of leaps. :D

Now, watch. Someone is going to take that as a challenge. :rolleyes: ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:14 am
by Andaar Amberfire
Hah! Daggerfall was WEAK! You heard me right...WEAK! Here in Australia, we take after the kangaroos and jump everywhere. I live about a 15 min train trip out of Melbourne...but when I hop into the city...hah, that only takes be two or three bounces. Leaves public transport for dead :D .

Andaar Amberfire
The Kangaroo Paladin

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:31 am
by UserUnfriendly
yeah, can be done only by magic or editing...i figure it takes about 1000 acrobat skills to equal jump 50 or so...

you can have with constant effect easy around jump 25, good enough to be good rapid form of transportation, with great tactical advantages...but seriously, lev is better tactically, and jumping is still the best way to get around, without the agonizing slowness of levitation if fast travel is not an option....

ok, what is bunny hop???

ive heard abotu it in daggerfall, but what the frick is it???

is it just well developed jump skills???

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 6:33 am
by fable
*Extremely* well-developed jumping skills. Not to put too fine a point on it, you were able to reach ridiculous levels that turned your character into a supernatural pogo stick.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 7:03 am
by Crosswind
Har har!

My leaping lizard got his first enchanted jump ring yesterday!

100 acrobatics, 100 strength, 100 speed, and now constant jump of 15 points. HAR HAR HAR. I think I'm going to enchant my pants with constant effect restore like 2 or 3 health. Not too cheesy, but enough to restore my health after I take damage from falling. Maybe enchant my shirt to fortify acrobatics, so I can fall farther. Woo! Need...more...jumping.
