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need help on someone/thing in MAREN ancestral tomb

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need help on someone/thing in MAREN ancestral tomb

Post by camas »

while looking for JOCIEN ANCOIS just west of the erabenimsun camp i found the maren tomb. after cleaning it out the last one i killed put up a note saying i should reload a saved game or the game is over or something like that. the note was up too short of a time to read it all. any help??
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Post by nVrt »

Broken the thread

When you kill a character needed for the main plotline of the game at the wrong poing that screen comes up. It just said that you killed someone needed for the storyline to continue. You can either continue playing in a broken world, or reload. I had that same thing happen when I walked in to that back room. Guy started casting on me and I of course whacked him. I've run in to about 4 of these characters so far.
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Post by cjdevito »

Wait...I think I remember this one. Was the guy 'Crazy Batou' and he had something with a name like 'Bloodworm Helm'?

If so, you -don't- need to worry about reloading. He has NOTHING to do with the main quest. He also has NOTHING to do with any other quest that I can tell. I have no idea why he has the 'broken prophecy' text when you kill him, but so far as I can tell it's strictly developer error.
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