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house hlaalu questions *major spoilers*

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:06 pm
by Odonatathrope
I just became the grandmaster of Hlaalu. I don't think I was ever a councilor -- just got promoted right to Grandmaster. But I'm a bit concerned. Basically, my path went like this -- 1. got first stage stronghold, became house father 2. got the support of Dram Bero at the recommendation of Crassius Curio 3. controlled the ordinators for Duke Dren (thereby losing the robe of st. roris) 4. convinced Dren's brother to join with me (used a voice of the emperor spell to get 'im to like me). 5. Duke Dren names me grandmaster. At no point was I, or could I be, a councilman (Dren only talked about advancing me to grandmaster). Now, Crassius wants to discuss business, but said he couldn't talk about it with anyone less than a councilman (and also that I had to build my stronghold -- I assume he means, complete it). When I returned to Crassius after becoming grandmaster, he says that he can't discuss business with less than a grandmaster (????), and that I still need to finish my stronghold. Did I miss anything? Or am I sitting pretty? I didn't see much in the way of rewards...

Oh, and is there any way of getting the robe back? Yes it's cheese, but I like having it tucked away. So does the guy I gave it to...he mentioned putting it somewhere safe. If it's still in the gameworld, nowhere is safe from a Master Thief. :)

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 10:06 pm
by paulsbo
There is a third phase of construction. Phase 1 was just the basics, phase 2 required you to reactivate an egg mine and hire workers, and I forgot what phase 3 required, but you'll need to complete all 3 phases to continue business.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:26 am
by UserUnfriendly
odon, try pickpocketing him....

unless you see his avatar change into the god aweful friar tuck avatar the robes give you, he probally is carrying it, and so its not equipped, so you should pick pocket him...

and dont forget calm humanoid, since even with my sneak at 100, my sec at 80, i still get caught...

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 9:17 am
by Odonatathrope
Nope, he doesn't have it (first thing I tried). Has a couple keys, though. I might have to see what those open--if only to know what lock to pick! :)