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Couple Questions ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:04 pm
by nVrt
What's the highest AC armor you've all found?

What's the toughest Creature you've run into?

I found some Light armor AC 266 boots with Levitate 20 to 60 and some other enchantments... SOMEWHERE. I believe it was down hunting Saints/Lords/Clannfear/Crocs/Antarachs in that spot right next to ... UMMM... Gnish? Next to the damned shrine on the West side of the Continent. Ah well, I found that just clearing the 2nd to lowest level out over and over again was wicked fun. I have piles and piles and piles of items ranging in value from 10,000-120,000. Jump in and have a Daedra Lord and Draeloth (crock) casting on you. Only dissapointment is walking in to a couple Skamps... bah! Waste of time.

I've found Draeloths to be the hardest creature in the game thus far. The insane spells & strong melee make it at least a little formidable.

Trapped my first Saint last night... and was quite dissapointed with their strength. I'm thinking that Daedra Lords are more powerful actually. Items they drop are godly though. *pounds on his new 225 slot Daedric tower shield*

My only complaint is: I have Grands filled with Saint's souls now... but... I dont have the 190k septims that it's going to cost to put my +speed where I want it ;) I've read some things on Enchanting, but haven't seen anyone mention the basics.

(spelling is horrible... At work right now, can't just look up the damned names)

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:21 pm
by Crosswind
How To Enchant Good Constant Effect Items That You're Never Going To Take Off 101, by Cross.

Capture a golden saint soul.

Get the requisite spell (you can find fortify attribute spells at the tribunal temples).

Put the gem in the "soul" window! Put your item in the "item" window.

Select "constant effect?"


make the minimum of the spell "1". Make the maximum as high as you can fit onto the item.

Now, every time you put it on, it will roll randomly between 1 and that high number as to what the constant effect will be. So take it off and put it on again until you get a nice, high, roll.

You can fit approximately twice the enchantment on a given item this way.


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:26 pm
by nVrt
I dont mean Enchanting via NPC ;)

I mean Enchanting with my Enchant skill. ^_^

I dont have the 200k it'll cost for my enchantment.... soooo.... heh

Nice thought on the 1 - X idea though. Good to hear it works. I'd heard a couple places that it seemed to always be a low roll for them.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:28 pm
by flash95
One other thing... spoiler
. :)
Now that its all set before you make the item switch the soul gem with a nother less powerful one.

constant effect will stay with out using your saint

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:31 pm
by nVrt
Last night I made a Daedric Longsword with Damage health something insane like 1-70 ... One shot nearly everything now. Guards go down in two swings. =/

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:42 pm
by fable
Originally posted by nVrt
Last night I made a Daedric Longsword with Damage health something insane like 1-70 ... One shot nearly everything now. Guards go down in two swings. =/
I wonder how this spell would go down against an opponent who could bounce it back at you, or absorb it. ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:51 pm
by Ares2382
well fable I wouldn't worry about that too much, I mean there are very few(if any) creatures who have 100% reflect, plus the longsword itself does a considerable amount of damage, I run around with a deadric katana that does 45 damage health everytime, hitting and killing golden saints with no problem in 3 or 4 hits. Now my Deadric Dai-Katana with paralyze on it is a whole other story.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 3:04 pm
by flash95
A great mod would be to have NPC's with 80 - 100 reflect and
monsters that regen 5 points per sec.
if its good for players its great for NPC's

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 3:41 pm
by UserUnfriendly
fable, i dont think cast at touch can be reflected...

saints will reflect damage back at you half the time, if you use ranged and area effect spells, but have never ever seen a cast at touch reflected...

nvert, have you got the dragonbone armor yet.....

better than saviros hide if you are breton, atronach and with good sure dont need the magic absorb propertes anymore, and its got wicked killer armor rating, and looks so much better,

get the helm of bear claw, daedric quest, for best looking and most powerful helm in the game...

vivec was the worst opponet i had, his hand to hand was wicked if you didnt have a restore fatigue item....killed me 3 times until i decided to levitate... hit him with many, many gods fire,,,

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 3:45 pm
by nVrt
nvert, have you got the dragonbone armor yet.....

I've seen a shield drop, but the effective AC and value were lower than for instance a Daedric or Glass Tower. Where you pick the pieces up?