This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Would anyone mind giving me the location of Arkngthand,the Dunmer shrine where Hasphat Antabolis wants me to get the Dwemer Puzzle Box? Also I can't find the bandits that have Aeta Wavebreaker's jewelry. thanks
I beleive you mean the Dwemer Ruins and not the Dunmer Shrine, all you have to do is head towards Fort Moonmoth from Balmora, just before the fort you have to take the left road and then on that road take the firs right turn you see which should lead you onto a bridge, cross the bridge and the ruins will be just a bit to the right of the bridge.
Aetas jewelry is a bit harder to find. The bandit cave is in a narrow valley more easily accessible from the other side of the mountains, unless you have a good levitation spell. The cave is east of where Aeta is.
[url=""]GameBanshee[/url] Make your gaming scream! "I have seen them/I have watched them all fall/I have been them/I have watched myself crawl" "I will only complicate you/Trust in me and fall as well" "Quiet more whine"
Hmm..another question. I've gotten to and explored the Dwemer dungeon and I can't find the puzzle box. The only place I haven't explored is a gallery hall near the lava bridge which is locked. Is there a key somewhere or will I have to raise my lockpicking skill?