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can't create 'Cast on Strike' enchantments

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 8:52 am
by free_fall
When I tried to create some enchanted weapons (at the Mage's Guild in Balmora), it wouldn't give me the 'Cast on Strike' option - the button only toggled between 'Touch' and 'Target'. (I tried several different weapon/spell combos, btw.) Am I doing something wrong?

I was trying to make a Soultrap sword and had to settle for a ring instead; it works pretty good, 90 secs in 33ft area, already trapped 2 Dremoras and 1 Ancestral Ghost but, still, I'd been lugging around a Silver shortsword for this plus I've now got 3 Dwarven claymores and a Dwarven battlehammer I'd like to do something with.


Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 8:57 am
by flash95
the button you are looking for is not in the spell configuration screen but on the bottom left of the enchant screen under the spell selection list.

it says cast on use click it and it should change to cast on strike.

I had the same problem.

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 9:29 am
by free_fall
Many thanks, flash95; figured I was missing something simple.

Will upgrade my steel Vipermauler (one of my most effective weapons, I've found) to the battlehammer and add frost and shock to the claymores; with Death's Embrace, I'll have all the bases covered.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 12:39 am
by free_fall
Thanks, again.

I now have 2 Dwarven Claymores with 9-25 poison (Venomore) and 14-30 shock (Shockmore), a Dwarven Battlehammer with 16-30 frost (Frosthammer) and, my newest pride and joy, a one-handed Ebony axe with 18-35 absorb health (Black Death).

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 7:36 am
by flash95
cool I made a one handed ebony long sword that does 14-14 points fire damage for 3 sec.
I call it "Black Fire Blade"

it seems to have a personality
ever since i made it when I meat any one (it does not matter who)
I hear in my head (WE CAN TAKE HIM!) strange....

I keep two twenty sided dice on my desk If I roll my will power stat or less then I do what I want if I roll higher then the sword wins and we attack.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 9:46 am
by limorkil
Only joking

I made an ebony staff called "What's The Point" that casts paralyze for 10 seconds and 40-50 fire, frost, shock and poison damage for 10 seconds.

I'm a god!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 10:24 am
by flash95
yea but "Whats the point "

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 1:08 pm
by free_fall
Well, I wanted to use the ebony axe for the absorb weapon because it's one-handed and I could use a shield with it, but as my axe skill sucks compared with my longsword (27 vs 57), I can't frigging hit anything with it.

It's actually kind of comical watching my guy (I'm playing in 3rd person view) trying to swing this axe which appears to extend only an inch or so past the shield, frantically raining down blows, few of which connect. And leaning down to target a rat or some such - forget it!

Ended up dragging out a 3rd Dwarven claymore I had squirreled away and giving it 13-25 absorb (the Absorbmore) - not quite as powerful on paper but vastly more effective in practice. And it's 16 lbs lighter.

Still need to get my axe skill up to effectively wield the Last Rites flame axe. Or maybe I'll stumble over another Dwarven claymore......hmmm, what would I call it......yeah, you guessed it, the Flamore. Oh, hell! I should have named Shockmore the Shockalot Bar. :p