Quick Question...
Is there any way to get corpus on purpose? I picked it up one time back about 20 levels ago on my first trip through the Ghostgate... but immediately reloaded back to the GG entrance. I was on a thieves guild quest and had to go buy a grandmaster colander... the person said they were having problems with a corpus stalker in their home and asked me to kill it. They wouldn't touch it for fear of the disease. I went up there and let it whack at me for a good 15 minutes to no avail. I heard that the 2nd quest of some guild gives you corpus, but wasn't sure which.
Also, where the hell is the Gentleman Jim Stacey in the Foreign Quarter of Vivec??? I've scoured the Foreign Quarter and found no bookstores.
Elowyn, too high of level... wish I was lower... (Morrowind)
Gawyn, 46 Pallygimp (DAOC)
Gawyn, 46 Pallygimp (DAOC)