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My colorful ID2 party

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:22 am
by Mianna
I´m not going to display statistic like the others!

Mianna is rogue/ranger who fights against evil! She is an aasimar who has long brown hair. She is wise in the ways of life. She moves fast and she is very agile. It´s very hard to find her when she vanishes into shadows.She can sometimes be very bullheaded.She has a fast changing temper but Taras keeps her in good balance making her more calm than what she has sometimes been.She never leaves her loved one Taras in the heat of battle.

Taras is an aasimar ranger. He has light brown hair and he is very long and slim. He is not thin however, his long body is softened by good formed muscels (yummy...) :D He is gentle and kind and he will do anything to protect his precious little Mianna from all evil.

Rilvar is a wild elf fighter. He has tanned skin and black hair. He is sometimes confused by his life as an elf. Elves that are of higher blood dispise him and he is considered as a savage. Mianna´s open mind for all of the races in Faerun gave him an opportunity of a lifetime. He found friends and the noble blooded elf lady Lynnath...the irony of his love towards her causes difficult fights inside of him.

Nerin is a pure blooded human cleric. She is originally a barbarian but she was raised by the priests of Ilmater. She has golden hair and very delicate features unfamiliar to barbarians and some think that she might have elven blood in her heritage. She has an iron will and wisdom which is useful for backing up Rilvar in his inner struggle. Nerin is very impressed of Zarans great magics and intelligence and has created an interest towards him...

Zaran is a young human mage. He is an unusual mage. He is stubborn and loves to enjoy the little things of life. Wonderful elven wines are his enjoyment and his sub-intelligent jokes bring joy to his friends minds...his reddish hair and green eyes sparkle when he talks about magic. He is devoted to it and often fights with Nerin about the difference of faith and the stunning arts of magic...despite of these arguments these two have developed an interest which is still being held back by their disagreements...

Lynnath is a noble blooded moon elf. She is a sorceress of nobility and grace. She has silvery hair and pale skin and her frosty appearance is very appealing for Rilvar but Lynnath is still very devoted to her heritage and often ignores him. She does have to admit that there´s something about Rilvar but she is young and knows only those things taught by the elven nobles...perhaps as the party travels longer together she will find a place in her heart that belongs to Rilvar.

Well what do you think? I made all that up as I wrote it! ID2 doesn´t have NPCs so why not create them in your mind? There´s love for everyone in that party and in fighting stories there hardly are any...but think about Dragonlance chornicles:
Tanis-Laurana-Kitiara Tika-Caramon Gilthanas-Silvara Riwerwind-Goldmoon (not sure about the translation). Love is a good thing even in the middle of great wars... :p

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 4:20 pm
by Nippy
Sounds like an interesting party, I would enjoy inter-party dialogues if there were any! :D

You've got a good mixture of magic, muscle and divine in there, you're one missing point (I would say IMHO) would be the lack of a purer rogue. A rogue/ranger will be good later on, but earlier if you are faced with wicked traps you may be crippled...

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:53 pm
by Kayless
Lots of Aasimars and rangers in your party Mianna. Image I usually prefer a bit more variety in my adventuring bands.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:29 am
by Mianna
Yse well,I taught making Nerin a half-elf but I´m only about to take 1 lvl barbarian so she would suffer some experience wait...SHE DOESN´T!Oh God I hate this new rules...well actually I don´t (like them) but I´m too lazy to study them :o
Actually Mianna and Taras dialogues DO excist... ;)
And now that I think about it,perhaps Taras should be a human after all...two aasimars in one party is quite the aasimars live longer than a pure human? And after even MORE considering...Mianna should be a human as well...I have all the time changing temper so I can´t be put in the shoes of an aasimar OR a tiefling :D I ain´t no goodie goodie and not lil´devil either. And if I´m human I can take classes here and there without exp. loss...main class as rogue and the second class ranger (for those wonderful Nature´s Ally spells).

And when I can take classes more than one level apart I can develop my thieving skills for traps and locks for the start and when they seem quite good I can develop as a ranger!

Why did I figure it out NOW after blabbing about mighty aasimar Mianna? Ain´t nothing godly about me...pure human is what I am.
(Well I do have sonme weird abilities but guess I´ll just be a little bit more...different human then)

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 5:46 am
by Kayless
Well don’t feel too bad. My prospective party is always in a state of flux. Image No adventuring band is finalized until the game is actually released and in our possession.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:50 am
by Mianna
Patience is not one of my good sides :D I´m planing my party now cos´ I do this little writing stuff in my freetime and this party could someday produce a book (usually I don´t even finish one chapter) but I´m not good as Margaret Weis for example :(

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:45 pm
by /-\lastor
My party will be something like this:

Alastor, an elven monk, possibly lawfull evil and a follower of Hextor. He was left dying at the age of 16 (yes that's normal years, he was about an infant in elf years) after a band of bandits attacked the caravan in which his family was traveling. He was found by a cleric of Hextor who saw something special about him. He was sent to the nearest monastary to be trained to serve the wargod. He was later sent out to serve his god in more... appropriate ways (bloooooodddd).

Ivory, a drow sorceress, lawfull neutral, was originally assigned as a bride to Alastor (prearranged marriage at young age) but when Alastor got lost she focussed on her training as a sorceror.
When she later got news of Alastor being at the monastary she immidiatly travelled to him with her sister Ebony. He unfortunately didnt remember her but she vowed to stay by his side.

Ebony is a wizard and Ivory's sibling and went with her when Ivory was going to seek Alastor. She is the "milder" part of the sisters and simply follows her sister everywhere.

Raphael is a Tiefling and well ... Thief (Rogue), chaotic neutral of course :) , was resqued by Alastor and his party after being caught stealing from a Heironious paladin. After reasoning that an enemy's enemy is a friend they accepted him in the party.

Damien, a human cleric of Hextor, was the one who found Alastor in the wrecks of the caravan and sees him as his son, going everwhere he goes, supporting and taking care of him.

I'm thinking of adding another fighter type to the party but I might leave him out, more xp for the rest :D

O and I know, a bit too much elves :P , I never use ém but I wanted to make an exception.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:07 pm
by Kayless
Heh, you want a character summery? This is a character summery!

Okay, I'm going to start with only one character as these have a habit of getting large. The In-Brief personality profile will give you the gist of this character if you (like me) get bored by exceptionally long profiles. Everything else is compartmentalized for easier reading. Image

Machiavelli "Mac" Saint Aiur, Chaotic Neutral male human RogXX/Rng1
Str 13, Dex 18 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 10
Height: 5'10" Weight: 155 lb.

Personality (In brief): A terse neurotic loner whose self-deprecating wit and wry sense of humor belie deep-rooted angst.

Personality (In-depth): Insouciant and droll, with a self-deprecating manner that belies a sharp wit and even sharper skills. He tends to be fairly taciturn and keeps to himself, though in dire situations his wry sense of gallows humor often presents itself. Though fundamentally a good person, Mac has a survivalist mentality that prevents him from sticking his neck out too far for anyone. While he is cynical towards all power groups and major authority figures, Mac is willing to work for almost anyone if the price is right (except the Zhentarim and church of Bane, due to his estranged family’s associations with those groups). Although an accomplished warrior, Mac tends to be sly rather than forthright, and usually goes about his business in a covert way. Due to his jaded youth, Mac has deep-rooted trust issues and never totally lets his guard down to anyone, preferring to hide behind a veneer of casual indifference. Mac is too reticent to ever come right out and say what he really feels - even if his own happiness depends on it.

History: Most people who know him assume Mac grew up in poverty, given his lower-class connections and penchant for frequenting disreputable establishments. In actuality, Mac was born into a noble family of Zhentil Keep, his father a low level autocrat for the Zhentarim and devotee of the Church of Bane. Raised in such a strict disciplinary household, Mac grew up bucking authority, resenting his father and, by association, the nobility and powerful organizations like the Zhents. As a teenager he began slumming, and soon became an accomplished thief and brawler. His father was so outraged by his son’s behavior (primarily how it reflected upon him) that he threw Mac out of his home and disowned him. Mac was captured a few months later for stealing from a high level Zhentarim official and sentenced to be executed. Despite his son’s pleas, Mac’s father stood impassively by and did nothing to help. Through a bit of luck and quick thinking, an embittered Mac was able to make his escape from Zhentil Keep and never looked back. He laid low for a while after that, seeking refuge in the wilderness. When he returned to civilization he began resuming his thieving career and fell in with the worst crowd willing to have him. His natural talents soon brought him work as a clandestine intelligence-gatherer, utilizing his comfort in both wilderness and urban settings to aid him in his tasks as a spy, informant and saboteur.

Appearance: Slim but exceptionally well-toned physique (like a gymnast) with windswept brown hair and deep-set hazel eyes (Most women find his eyes to be his best feature, as they are bright and inviting with a subtle hint of melancholy behind them). Mac is ruggedly handsome, despite having a number of scars on his face and the rest of his body. He dresses in dark losing fitting clothes, expertly tailored (though somewhat threadbare now) and designed for practical combative use. Mac usually wears a hood over his head and has a pair of short swords strapped to his back.

Role-playing Notes: Mac’s world is one of detached professionalism, where the appearance of stability is more important than one’s actual emotional state. He doesn’t really have his heart in the roguish lifestyle, and seems to be just going through the motions. He never comes right out and admits what he’s feeling, and if pressed to do so will usually withdrawal behind glib humor. Mac tends to deal with matters in a clever and non-confrontational way (preferring to outwit opponents rather than overpower them). People have to work hard to earn his trust, and if he ever feels this trust is betrayed, he’ll literally abandon his comrades and take off on his own. His habitual response to emotional pain is to run away.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 8:51 pm
by DaringCommander11
That was a good party description but you forgot one thing...this is a forgotten realms game so Hextor and Heironious don't exist. Also Hextor doesn't want blood (even though he is an evil war god) he just wants power and lots of it (the blood is just a means to an end.)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 1:14 am
by /-\lastor
Originally posted by DaringCommander11
That was a good party description but you forgot one thing...this is a forgotten realms game so Hextor and Heironious don't exist. Also Hextor doesn't want blood (even though he is an evil war god) he just wants power and lots of it (the blood is just a means to an end.)
Awwwww :( , well then replace Hextor simply with the cause of evil and destruction.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 1:34 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by /-\lastor
Awwwww :( , well then replace Hextor simply with the cause of evil and destruction.
The teletubbies? Image J/K There are any number of Forgotten Realms deities that could stand in for Hextor. Bane, Bhaal, Talos, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:40 am
by Mianna
Wow Kayless! Your characters biography was very impressive! As I said before I do this little writing thing in my freetime (in Finnish of course) and even if I´m writing for my own pleasure I´d still like todo my job GOOD! I have this problem: Whether I write a story that place in Faerun or Krynn I don´t know enough about these worlds! I only know some legendary places(Icewind Dale,Beregost,Baldur´s Gate...Tarsis,Qualinost,Silvanost...) and I certainly don´t have the recourses to invent my own world...I´m quite used to the idea of Faerun as the one and only fantasy how about making a new landscape for Faerun? A huge hidden land far away in the sea. The "mainlanders" of Faerun realized it being there when some merchants arrived riding with the lost ones...good dragons. I could make my own world with Faeruns "rules" but I wouldn´t have to worry about getting cities in their right places....of course this new land would be HUGE (almost like Faerun) and it might still have a different name.
But hey: Weren´t there Knights of Solamnia in BG2? So if Krynn and Faerun have a connection then this new land would have connection to them both...

Phew...quite a lot of text AGAIN :D (My SPACE button is broken and gets stuck sometimes so writing long messages is STICKY and SLÒW...also some of my letters have to be HIT to get them work...)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 4:50 am
by Mianna
I know this is a ID2 discussion but this thread seems to have developed into a discussion about worlds and character backround. I finally desided to create this landscape far away in the stormy (un sailable) sea:
Say hello to my newest invention: THANAROS!!!

Thanaros is a land similar to Faerun and Krynn (lots of similar places and towns) but it has some of things made up by me. Consider it a sum of Faerun, Krynn and Black Isle games. Here are a few places nestled in the large land of Thanaros:

The Desert of Ni´yri (south): A large desert. Way down southern end there is a city named Benessos. It is a shipping city, but since ships can´t sail far away to the stormy Sea of 1000 paths it is mainly a fishing city. In the east side of Ni´yri there is the Hole :D A home of the gnomes who are trying to make ships that allow entry to Faerun or Krynn - The Lost Neighbour Lands.

Eastcastle Harber (east): A city inside of castle walls. Home of archmages and noble knights. Lies near the Iron Mountains.

Lebtem (midland): A small fishing village on the beach of Great Lake Kleneissos. To the west of the lake in the edge of Ni´yri there are the Red Mountains. And to the north of the Red Mountains is the Elven Home and the moon elf city Shandralmia.

Moran (midland): The main caravan city filled with representers of many many races.

The Great Swamp of Ithar (west): A home of the Great Druids.

Nabblegong (midland): A small halfling village. To the north there is a farming and hunting village of Lergos, home of Mianna.

The Tundra of Kilga´nor (north): Home of barbarians. In the northern end of the Golden Caravan Road is the city of Kherassos. To the east is a mining town of Fantorx, home of the dwarven clans. To the north is the never melting Northern Iceland. Underground there is the Depth of Northern Iceland, home of drows and svirfneblin. At the east end of the Northern Iceland is the temple of ice godess Auril.

The Golden Caravan Road starts in Benessos and it goes through Harber, Moran, Shandralmia and Fantorx and ends to Kherassos.

There are hundreds of villages, cities, forests, lakes, mountains and rivers but these are the most important places for every Thanaroslander to know.

This is a LOT of text and I´m sorry :p I just want some feedback and this is the only place I could ask for it. So please tell me what you think. Also if anyone has some questions of the places above feel free to ask and I´ll give you some more detail.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 5:08 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
Wow Kayless! Your characters biography was very impressive!
Thanks. I may be a power gamer, but I’m a role-player too. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
I have this problem: Whether I write a story that place in Faerun or Krynn I don´t know enough about these worlds! I only know some legendary places(Icewind Dale,Beregost,Baldur´s Gate...Tarsis,Qualinost,Silvanost...)
Don't worry too much about knowing Faerun's geography. The Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games give you more than enough background information to make characters with. For example, you could have a halfling character from Gullykin, a ranger from Easthaven, or a rogue from Athkatla (all of which you'll know well from playing the games). Where a character is from is less important than who that character is. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
I´m quite used to the idea of Faerun as the one and only fantasy how about making a new landscape for Faerun? A huge hidden land far away in the sea. The "mainlanders" of Faerun realized it being there when some merchants arrived riding with the lost ones...good dragons. I could make my own world with Faeruns "rules" but I wouldn´t have to worry about getting cities in their right places....of course this new land would be HUGE (almost like Faerun) and it might still have a different name.
Sounds cool. You don't have to use every bit of info the Forgotten Realms has to offer. It's fun to make things up from scratch. But if you want to learn more about the existing Faerun geography, you can download some older source books for free here. Volo's guides are a great place to start. You can also check out Rand's Travelogue, Perilous Gateways, and Elminster Speaks for some more info. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
and I certainly don´t have the recourses to invent my own world...
You sure about that? Image Your summery of a new potential kingdom is quite detailed a well thought out. Homebrew games can be great fun, as they're not mired by tons of back continuity and NPCs.

EDIT: After reading your post about Thanaros I'm sure you could make your own homebrew world. Image

Originally posted by Mianna
But hey: Weren´t there Knights of Solamnia in BG2? So if Krynn and Faerun have a connection then this new land would have connection to them both...
3E has changed the D&D cosmology somewhat, (discouraging planes-hopping) but there are still plenty of ways to connect two worlds. So feel free to go for it.
Originally posted by Mianna
Phew...quite a lot of text AGAIN :D (My SPACE button is broken and gets stuck sometimes so writing long messages is STICKY and SLÒW...also some of my letters have to be HIT to get them work...)
LOL Image Sound like your keyboard needs some fixing.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:47 am
by Mianna
No...I need a NEW keyboard :D I once accidently poured milk on it and 2 or 3 times I spilled some cider on it :D Wonder it´s still working...I´m now making advanced biographies for my characters (they have birth seasons as well and detailed personalities). Making all this stuff up doesn´t seem to be a problem, I made Tanaros in 1 hour...but when I gets to the writing part the wall appears in front of me...guess I just have to practise A LOT :(

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:54 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
No...I need a NEW keyboard :D I once accidently poured milk on it and 2 or 3 times I spilled some cider on it :D Wonder it´s still working...
Indeed. You seem to spill things on it with startling frequency. Image
Originally posted by Mianna
I´m now making advanced biographies for my characters (they have birth seasons as well and detailed personalities). Making all this stuff up doesn´t seem to be a problem, I made Tanaros in 1 hour...but when I gets to the writing part the wall appears in front of me...guess I just have to practise A LOT :(
Just start by writing all the basic info down and then tweak it at your leisure. Practice makes perfect. Image

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 7:44 am
by Mianna
I meant writing a story or a book, whatever...I have always wanted to write my very own fantasy series. My story starts fine and text is equal to Dragonlance but when I get further I start writing "straightly" and all that colorful text about feelings, appearences and discriptions seem to be forgotten. I always think that my stories are too amateurish and they end up to garbage :mad:

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:39 pm
by /-\lastor
Every great writer has started that way, nobody ever just picked up a pencil and started to write a book with no experience whatsoever.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 6:38 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mianna
I meant writing a story or a book, whatever...I have always wanted to write my very own fantasy series. My story starts fine and text is equal to Dragonlance but when I get further I start writing "straightly" and all that colorful text about feelings, appearences and discriptions seem to be forgotten. I always think that my stories are too amateurish and they end up to garbage :mad:
Don't be too hard on yourself. Everbody has problems like that. The important thing is not to give up and keep practicing. Image
Originally posted by /-\lastor
Every great writer has started that way, nobody ever just picked up a pencil and started to write a book with no experience whatsoever.
Very true. Nobody starts off great. It takes a lot of hard work to get there.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:33 am
by Mianna
When you have to live your social life somewhere there among everything else...there´s not much time to write ;)