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Party dilemma

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:19 am
by Duke of Earl
I want to start a new game of BG2 + ToB (and actually finish it this time!), but I have once again been stumped by the eternal question of what kind of PC to play, and who to have in my party.

I've decided (for now) to play a CG half-elf fighter/thief. He is a thrill-seeking adventurer, mostly interested in exploring and loot-collecting, though he doesn't steal from innocents (unless they really don't need it...), and will go out of his way to right gross wrongs (especially if there is some kind of reward involved).

However, I am wracked with indecision as to what the make-up of my party should be. I definitely want Imoen, and would prefer to have Jahiera and Minsc as well, but can't decide on the other two (or even if there should be an "other two").

On the one hand, I want to somehow include Jan (just for the entertainment value), plus someone evil, like Viconia or Korgan (just for spice). On the other hand, I'd kinda like to try playing with a four-person party (a full six-person party is both unwieldy and overpowered to my experience--and from a roleplaying perspective, difficult for my middling-CHA PC to lead).

So, can you folks offer an indecisive soul some advice? Thanks,


Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:24 am
by Stilgar
I wouldn't include Jan, then you have 3thiefs (isn't that a little much)
But you could take him with you untill you get imoen back.

Why not try it with that 4member party? you won't need an extra party member.
And when you get to ToB you can take the new NPC with you, to get that evil spirit in the party.

If you want an evil NPC sooner, i suggest Edwin, cause you're party could use an extra spellcaster.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 10:10 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Duke of Earl
On the other hand, I'd kinda like to try playing with a four-person party (a full six-person party is both unwieldy and overpowered to my experience--and from a roleplaying perspective, difficult for my middling-CHA PC to lead).
That's a very good point about the charisma thing, I like your thinking. Plus, as Stilgar says, a four character party is more than adequate and is nice from a power gaming point of view too as everyone will level up quite fast. By the time you reach the end of the game, a 6 character party just has too many abilities, spells etc and I always get a bit overwhelmed and end up not really using all the wonders and tricks at my disposal.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:06 am
by VonDondu
If you're not sure who to take, I suggest:

elven Fighter/Thief
Imoen (play her as a Mage)
Minsc (he's a lot of fun)
Anomen (great Cleric if he passes his Test) or Viconia (romance)
Edwin (if you want lots of spells; but keep your Reputation below 19)

If you like parties of six, I would also consider adding:

Jaheira (if you really want her in the party)

Play Chapter Two and Chapter Three with a party of four or five characters (without Imoen). Be careful about fighting dragons with Edwin in your party; if your Charisma is too low, he might chicken out and run away forever. If Edwin wants to research ancient scrolls, by all means let him.

Anomen and Edwin are very annoying, but it's fun to watch other people pick on them. Viconia is mean-spirited, but she's supposedly a "babe", and her story is interesting if you romance her. The romance with her does continue in Throne of Bhaal, and you might be surprised by the outcome.

If you have Jaheira in your party (romanced or not), you'll get some extra quests, which are usually referred to as the Harper Subplot. Personally, I don't think that Jaheira is much fun to have around, but she's a strong character, and the way that Bioware envisioned it, she plays a big role in the story.