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opinion or assessment of the patch???

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 5:15 pm
by UserUnfriendly
now that the patch is out, this thread is for people who want to say the patch is great, or it the biggest question we all have is does it fix mem leak problems???

thinking of blowing my saves and finally put out a leaping lizard, or a kung fu lizard, thanks cross and cj, for a pure fun and powergaming romp thru vvardenfel...finally drop my over powered breton with atronach for kjat or lizard with atronach...giggle....

this time join the thief guild right off, and selectively pick out my loot between blades, i always make special trips to get good loot, like helm of bear claw and zauras star...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 8:46 pm
by cjdevito
I've only had the chance to play with the patch for about an hour, but it seems very positive so far. Lots of fixes, only a few gimps (bound items and and robe of st roris), a few rules changes. The biggest is that you now get points towards stat increases at level ups by training misc skills. Makes it absurdly easy to get 3x5 every level

General performance is slightly better then performance was using the NoCD cracked exe file. They seem to have addressed some performance issues, and done a nice job of it from what I've seen so far.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:25 pm
by UserUnfriendly
is good patch, more stable from what i have seen so far, but

strafe got nerfed....

auto run is not very fast, more like auto walk.

they cured bound items unequipped staying around forever, i think...

did tehy fix secretmaster for med armor? well see...

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:27 pm
by cjdevito
No, autorun is your normal run speed, no change in how fast it is versus if you were holding the key down yourself.

As far as the screwed up secret masters, I believe they were fixed. I can't say for sure because I downloaded a plug in that fixed them manually a couple of weeks ago.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:13 pm
by paulsbo
The soul-gem exploit (where you replace a grand soul gem with a lesser soul gem just prior to enchantment) no longer works. I tried swapping out gems, but the game changed "cast when worn" to "cast when used" and would not allow the lesser soul gem to function as "worn." This is a bummer, now I have to go out and hunt for the grand soul gems and golden saints.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:31 pm
by UserUnfriendly
or get azuras star, unless that got nerfed too...

ok, now were cooking!!!!

i really am impressed with the less harddrive chatter i am getting, and even the annoying pseudo error messages from plugins, you know, the morrowind esm file has been changed that this plug in depended on, and after saving should be fine...well, i saved and stinking error messages do not go away, so what i really dont care...

cj, i am about to hit secret master for med armor, as soon as i go to a spell maker to get a mondo end spell, will tell you if the secret masters got nerfed...

the constant effect perminent bound weapons is fixed, so is exploit of dropping bound weapons, now if you make a expensive ring of constant effect axe, once you take it off you lose weapon...hooray!!!

now i am making some exp rings of weaponry, as soon as i pick up some more diff exp rings...

but quite frankly, kiddies, the mem leak solve makes the patch AWESOME!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 8:31 am
by flash95
Here Is what was added

Features Added

When a default cell is created, water creatures are added to the cell. This means as you swim further and further away from the mainland, and new water cells are created, they will be populated by water creatures.

An auto run feature has been added. You can now continue to run forward when you press the Q key on your keyboard once. This will cause you to run forward until you press the autorun key a second time or the back or forward movement keys.

A version number has been added to main menu screen.

A health Bar for NPCs and creatures has been added for when you are in combat. An orange health bar for the creature or NPC you are currently in combat with will now appear above your own health bar on the lower left part of the screen. This health bar will only appear when you are attacking a creature or NPC and will slowly fade out if you stop attacking. It will also update to a different creature or NPC's health if you switch targets in the middle of combat.

Added Difficulty slider to Preference menu under Options. The Difficulty slider has 200 different settings that will either increase the amount of damage you deal and receive or reduce the amount of damage you deal or receive, depending on where you set the slider.

The user can now load multiple plug-ins without losing references when both plug-ins affect the same cell. This means that if you have 2 or more plug-ins that add or remove references from, for example, Fort Moonmoth, you will be able to keep all of the additions or removals from all the loaded plug-ins.

Added a "DirectX Diagnostic" button in the Morrowind Launcher that allows you to run the DirectX Diagnostic tool directly from our interface. This can be reached in the Morrowind launcher. Click on Technical Support in the launcher and you will see a DirectX Diagnostic button that will run this handy tool. The DirectX Diagnostic tool is very helpful for problem shooting any technical problems you may be having with the game.

Added a sound quality button to the Options menu. The two available choices are Hardware Acceleration and Software Mode. Those of you that are still experiencing sound problems should set this Software Mode.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 8:33 am
by flash95
Here is the System fixes

Bug Fixes

Fixed a crash bug involving the purchase and equipping of the Imperial Chain Cuirass.

Fixed several sound problems with several lower quality sound cards. You should be able to play the game with your Hardware Acceleration set at full from now on.

Fixed a bug that was causing problems when you attempted to save with a container open.

Only guards marked as re-spawn will re-spawn now.

Plug-ins will no longer come up with a warning in the launcher saying that that plugin/save uses a different version of master file than is present when they do not.

Jumping up slopes will no longer cause you to float and glide.

Summoned bound items no longer give you infinite stats.

You will no longer crash to desktop if you press Enter while making potions.

You can no longer drop conjured weapons if they un-equip then equip them.

Health numbers for weapons in the quick keys menu pop up help will now display accurately.

Loading while the container menu is open will no longer create multiple cloned containers.

Fixed some menu bugs with saving a game by only allowing saves to occur if you have no other menus open.

Memory leak when summoning bound items has been fixed.

Fixed a crash when canceling barter.

Fixed a freeze that locked the game in a bad menu mode after Sleeper dreams.

Training skills will now add to level up bonus for misc skills.

Armor weight will no longer shift between Heavy, Medium, or Light.

Restore and Drain abilities now affect the current value, not the base value, of attributes being modified.

Inventory change of pc during an attack no longer causes bad animations.

The frost atronach will now attack faster than before.

ALT, SHIFT, and CTRL keys were rarely getting stuck down in menu mode. This will no longer happen.

Fixed a bug where you could gain money when buying something instead of paying money for it.

The launcher will not gray out options any longer.

Robe of St. Roris changed to Cast When Used.

Equipping a soul gem/apparatus, etc, during combat will no longer remove them from your inventory.

Fixed a crash when hitting F1 with the quick keys selection menus open.

Fixed a problem with sounds persisting after a cell change.

Fixed a bug in the Berserk ability that was draining all of your fatigue after its use.

Fixed a bug with beast races and the spell cycle function. Now when a beast race has an item they cannot wear (full helm, boots), it will not show up in this menu.

Fixed a bug in the weapon cycle function that was allowing constant effect weapons to add bonuses to you permanently.

Corrected a bug which would cause an NPC to sometimes run inexplicably while wandering.

NPCs/Creatures which bump into an obstacle while wandering without the presence of a pathgrid will select a new point to go to rather than trying to work around the obstruction.

Corrected a bug where the vertical movement distance was not calculated for followers and they could lag behind excessively.

NPCs will no longer attempt to open trapped doors to reach you.

Fixed a bug where you could kill an NPC responding to a crime, with a single blow, and not receive a bounty for murder.

Fixed a bug where you, as a vampire with a high bounty, could commit additional crimes, and guards would fail to respond.

Corrected a bug where an NPC would fail to respond if you were in a crouch and hit them with a projectile weapon.

Fixed a bug concerning trying to equip multiple repair items during combat would cause a crash.

Fixed a bug with the way dispel worked in conjunction with good and bad effects on you.

Fixed a crash bug involving shooting a projectile at an actor that was far enough away that they were not active.

Fixed a missing art file with the Redas War Axe.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2002 8:33 am
by flash95
Here are the Quest Fixes

Quest Fixes

Fixed a bug in Cunius Pelelius’ script that would cause a lock up if you clicked on the (evidence of corruption) topic.

Fixed a bug that prevented you from speaking to the Daedric Statue of Boethiah if you had spoken to M’Aiq the Liar about (Shrine of Boethiah).

Fixed a bug where you were falsely being recognized as Hortator of all houses.

If you kill Marcel Maurard, you no longer can get a reward from Miun-Gei over and over.

Fixed a House Telvanni quest that was not allowing you to complete Master Aryon’s quest involving the collection of wizard spells.

Fixed a bug with Dwemer Puzzle box and Hasphat not giving you a key.

Bug in the CloudCleaver quest where you could take cloudcleaver from the witch before she dies (thus breaking the quest) has been fixed.

Fixed an infinite dialogue loop in Wine-Sot/Cloudcleaver quest.

You can no longer receive unlimited gold for solving the murder of Ralen Hlallo.

Fixed an infinite dialogue loop in (law in Morrowind) topic.

A confirmation box was added to the Magister topic in the Telvanni house quest line to ensure that you do not wish to continue any further in this line.