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help me!!! how do you avoid losing stolen loot????

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 5:25 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ok, almost forgot to ask this...i was in tower of dawn in ghost gate, and opened up a nice locked door, in front of some guards, and enven though i had over 100% chameleon my crime was reported.. no prob, i turned myself into the nearest armigier,and paid the fine...also lost my stolen poplyon key, sword of white woe, and some nice daedric greaves i stole from dren....aaagghhh!!!
so some of the best loot in game is behind locked doors,and flagged as stolen by game, unless you dump it, before turning yourself in, which is a pain in the butt...

is there any way to pick locked doors in cities and strongholds without alerting the guards??? i have chameleon gear, so they never even see me...

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 4:15 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
is there any way to pick locked doors in cities and strongholds without alerting the guards??? i have chameleon gear, so they never even see me...
I managed to use a spell to open The Smith's building in Ald'Ruhn, i waited for all the guards to walk away and timed it just right...although there was a merchant on my left he seemed non-plussed. I am not sure what dictates it being a crime, i think it is on who sees you doing it, there might be a bug with some doors and chests though *shrug*

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 7:49 am
by Odonatathrope
Why oh why would you want to turn yourself in? *master thief scratches head* Never turn yourself in (in fact, never even talk to a guard with a bounty on your head), or kiss your "stolen items" goodbye. Join the thieves guild (even if you don't advance in it) -- a few of its members will remove a bounty for half-price without taking your stolen gear (you just have to get to 'em without talking or being talked to by guards). As for lockpicking, in full chameleon you shouldn't be seen, so it shouldn't be reported as a crime. Try holding CTRL (i.e., sneak) when you pick the lock. Perhaps even when you're invisible, you have to make the effort. As for me, I just have high sneak and I never get caught.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 7:57 am
by Sojourner
Even with high sneak, you still have a chance of getting caught. Watch that icon at the bottom of the screen - you can successfully break into things only while it's there.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 10:32 am
by flash95
make a ring of telekenis with a long range.
then pick the lock from across the room.
the NPC's will not report your crime because you were not near the door when it happened :D

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 12:21 pm
by lusipher
Unfortunately, the people of Vvardenfell seem to have hired only the best psychics to serve as protectors or the peace. If an item is stolen, and no one sees you do it, you will still lose that item. For the rest of the game it will be a 'hot' item.

Unfortunately, even if you later legally acquire another of the same item, and ditch the 'hot' gear, the psychic cops are unaware of this. This means that they will also confiscate the honestly acquired goods, to make good on your prior criminal endeavors.

What I am not sure of is whether or not they will take all of the items matching the description of the stolen item, or only enough to compensate the victims.
I steal glass greaves, I find glass greaves. If I have both in my inventory when I am stopped, do both disappear?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:05 pm
by UserUnfriendly

so i plan to use combo sneak, chameo gear, telekensis will still be reported as crime, sometimes, even when i use a really evil telekensis ring with range of 100!!! and join the thieves guild!!! i knew they were good for something, besides the secret master of security and teh sucky skeleton key...(good security skills and decent lockpicks...never need anything else...)

so this tiem around, with patch, i plan to join the guilds for the best loot....

temple...ebony mail is pretty good, almost as good as dragonbone, better in many ways...that cnonstat effect shield is so sweet!!! and cool graphics...
thieves guild, so i can protect my very ill gotten loot...