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a recharge resource for atronachs... and new cheese project...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:25 am
by UserUnfriendly
ever noticed unless you get some major alchemy skills you always are looking for encounters with monsters to recharge in atronach sign???? or you cheese out with a summons to that still possible with patch??? never bother, since i use the jakers restore mana patch... but a untapped resource is dungeon treasure chests!!!! yes, if your chest if trapped, just opening it, if you are a breton with the atronach sign, can recharge you!!!! sometimes you get poisoned, but a 4 point constant effect restore health amulet or shield will completely protect see a trapped chest casts a spell at you, and if you trigger the trap you can gai sometimes around 80 magick points....

if you are not atronach and breton, try using necromancers amulet, just taunt trebonius and kill him, and saviors hide in tel fyr..... have another constant effect absorb like th very nice necromancers amulet, and you stant a good chance of getting a free recharge... yes, you do lose s little on security training, but not too much, since if you join theives guild you can get ecurity up to 100....

i am consoling in a secret master alchemy set, the game does not have a quest you can get them from, rats....and seeing by using fortify int and fortify achaemy spells just how obscenly high i can boost continuosuly making stronger and stronger 4 ingediant int potions....

make one, drink, make another,,, and then make a jump potion.....i think i can get arounf 500 or so jump, and possibly a super levitate, around 500 or so...should be possible????

if not, i will have to see if enchanted item boosting is still nerfed...