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Double weapons?
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:24 am
by Nygma
According to the manual, double weapons like the double bladed sword is the same as dual-wielding, with the off-hand having a light weapon. So after restarting to get a character with dual-wielding, ambidextrous, and exotic weaponry feats, I finally got a double bladed sword.
I don't seem to get an extra attack, the character sheet lists no penalties for dual wielding, and just the 1d8 attack in the main hand.
Is this a bug? Or is this the way it is supposed to work? Please don't tell me I blew 3 hours, 3 feats, and 300 gp for a 1d8 quarterstaff!!!!
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:51 am
by average joe
Well, the quarterstaff is a double weapon as well, according to D&D rules. So, in essence, the double sword is just a 1d8 quarterstaff.
Maybe you have to check the options on the weapon, and there is a way to toggle between one-handed fighting and two-handed fighting. Or maybe in the inventory screen, you have to drag the two-handed weapon to your off-hand slot. That sounds kinda reasonable now that I think about it.
And please don't tell me the quarterstaff isn't a double weapon! The manual says,
A large, stout piece of heavy wood. Sounds like a club!!
Hopefully someone will fix that if the quarterstaff is not a double weapon.
I was just looking in the weapon tables in the back of the NwN guidebook, and for quarterstaff damage, it has "1d6/1d6." This seems to indicate it is a double weapon in NwN, since all other double weapons have the same "1d?/1d?"....
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 1:44 pm
by Mathurin
I ran into the same thing myself. I restarted with two short swords. Later on with a different character I chose the half-orc with the double axe as a henchman, and during combat would repeatedly see in the window at the bottom of the screen his off hand attack x creature (some # + his attack bonus) so this leads me to believe that you do in fact gain the extra attack and its just a mistake that its not listed on the sheet. The bonuses to hit will be the same anyway though, although your off-hand damage bonus will be half your str bonus. Oh and one other thing, I dont think it actually lists quarterstaffs as double weapons in NWN.
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 10:01 pm
by average joe
hm....well, like I said, in the tables in the back it makes the quarterstaff a double-weapon. They could have just copied that from the D&D handbooks though.
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 10:54 am
by Zolt
Even with the double bladed sword I can't seem to figure out how to turn it into a dual weilding weapon.
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 1:14 pm
the double sword is a double weapon. It doesn't say anything different in the character record though, but just fight with it, then with a longsword, you can see that you are making an extra attack each round. The quarterstaff is NOT a double weapon in NWN - it says 1d6/1d6 in the manual but in the game you only make regular # of attacks AFAICT. The doublesword is the best double weapon in my experience, my current character uses one - you can get one from the merchant in the second room of the academy at the beginning of the game for 200 GP BTW.
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 6:42 pm
by Belar
I made a lawful evil ranger (and shortly multi-classed him as a monk) with a bald head, black skin, and red tattoos named Sith who wields a double-sword with Weapon Focus and the Dual-Wield benefits of a ranger. And like the guy said above, the character sheet doesn't tell you anything, but reading the in-game combat feedback comfirms off-hand attacks.
Also, if, when creating a new character for the Prelude chapter you choose the Weapon Focus feat, you will find your weapon of choice (whatever that may be) in the chest behind you in the room you start in at the academy. If that's the double-sword, you will save those 200 golden lions!
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 9:56 pm
by Zolt
From reading the bioware forums, it appears the double bladed weapons are bugged and receive less attacks than dual weapons. So instead I remade and went longsword/shortsword, which will only cost me 1 extra feat
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:47 am
by Datt
I use two weapons myself and I see the extra attack. I have the Ambidexterity, Two Wepon and Improved Two Weapon fighting feats. As a 14 fighter I have 3 attacks with my main hand and 2 with my off hand. When I am in combat I watch and see all 5 of my attacks going off. Haven't tried to use a double axe though. Might be something worth looking into.
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2002 1:20 pm
double axe is OK - I got a double axe that regenerates you last night....
Anyway I watched the feedback while fighting with a double sword and the character was making the correct number of attacks, so i don't know what the deal is - does anyone have a link to the double weapon discussion on the official forums?