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multi-player etiquette

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 4:25 pm
by archerknight
Can anyone give me a quick overview of multiplayer etiquette.

I've never played multi-player b4, but am itching to try.

I saw all the different rooms/servers. Is it ok to jump in or is there a way to ask permission.

Any other do's and don'ts welcome.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 4:37 pm
by Nightmare
Pretty much this: if you go onto a role-playing server, role-play! Talk in character and don't metagame...

Thats just for role-playing servers, though.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 5:09 pm
by fable
You can be out-of-character, but do it in whispers--that is, if the people you're addressing are in character. If they're not roleplayers, don't worry about it. In fact, they may even take offense at roleplaying--I've seen it.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 7:46 pm
by archerknight
Thanks for the tips. I'll welcome anymore you think are useful.

Gax: Forgive my ignorance but what is matagame.

Fable: Am I correct in assuming that the people under roleplay will be roll-playing.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 7:50 pm
by fable
@Archerknight, I'm not sure what you mean. Will they be attacking creatures, even though they roleplay? I imagine so. Does that help?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 12:54 am
by Xandax
Meta-gameing is when you play your character with knowlegde he can't have - but you as the player have.

For instance: In Baldurs Gate - setting up traps where you know a monster would spawn, that is metagaming.
Metagaming covers much more than just moster spawns, but also interaction with other characters (not players - adress the character), interaction with NPCs etc.

Also remember, to talk in character doesn't mean you have to use words like "Thee" and "Thou" - just don't ask what level a character is, and if walking in the desert, don't complain that it is raining at your house :)

Stuff like that.

Also etiquette for MP games are - behave as you want others to behave towards you.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 2:00 am
by MegaToerist
But what if, for some weird reason, you have to leave during a game? This can certainly happen is 24/24 game worlds like Argyle...
How do you go about telling your co-players you're off to bed, and how do you roleplay leaving them?


Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 3:11 am
by Xandax
Well roleplaying leaving to go to bed irl is a tricky one - so just use some line about going somewhere.
If you are a wizard - studying scriptures is always a nice one ;)

Thank people for their company and hope to see them again (if you liked them :D ).

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 3:14 am
by MegaToerist
Studying scriptures is great *if* you're a wizard. I'll probably play a ranger, so I guess I'll have to "find some shadows to hide in while I do some...eurm...s**t" ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:23 pm
by archerknight
Thanks for asking about leaving Mega, I was wondering the same thing.

Along that line: Is it something that really annoys gamers for someone to pop in for an hour or so and then leave. I stay pretty busy and am sometimes on call so sometimes I'm just trying to get in a few minutes of entertainment while I can.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:36 pm
by Ned Flanders
I think the best thing is to get out there and start playing. If you have friends who have the game and play, try and get online with them. That will help a lot.

Also, you'll just have to experiment and find people you're comfortable with. As we've seen in discussions, there are a lot of opinions covering a wide base concerning this game. If you jump on a server and someone, perhaps mulitple people feel you're interfering with their experience; everyone take a step back and find a resolution.

I have a feeling that servers concetrating on role playing to the extreme will be kept private.

Another question for multiplayer ettiquette with respect to serious role playing: How are spellcasters supposed to rip off area effect spells and how would one suggest combat as a whole work. I for, would not be in favor of allowing players to pause the game whenever they see fit. Perhaps this is a whole different topic.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 6:01 pm
by fable
Originally posted by MegaToerist
But what if, for some weird reason, you have to leave during a game? This can certainly happen is 24/24 game worlds like Argyle...
How do you go about telling your co-players you're off to bed, and how do you roleplay leaving them?
If you've all signed on together, you can agree in advance to how long you wish your session to last. Then, roughly fifteen minutes before the end, you can start winding things up and return to town. After splitting up the booty and selling things off, you can each head to a well earned rest; or however else a particular character chooses to celebrate living for another day. ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 7:41 pm
by archerknight
I'm off tomorrow so I think I'll give it a shot.