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Where's her amulet? minor spoiler

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 8:17 am
by DojoRat
I'm on the 4th shrine sergeant quest but can't find the murdered woman's amulet to complete it. This is the one that sends you to Hla Oad to talk to an Argonian who tells you some smugglers did the deed and tells you where their cave is. Found cave, killed named smugglers, searched bodies, chests, cartes, etc.. but nada. Searched around the entrance, repeated cave search, and went back to Hla to talk to the Argonian but neither he nor anyone else there had a dialouge option that led anywhere. Obviously I'm missing something. Any suggestions. (I've done a few forum searches but got nothing)

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 12:19 pm
by DojoRat
After further forum searches I read the amulet should be on one of the smugglers. Of course, it was the one that died fused with the steps up to the standard cave platform. It wasn't a magical amulet so perhaps I missed it first time around. I cleaned off this corpse and dropped his stuff on the ground. ( I usually do this to oddly placed corpses to avoid getting stuck on them.) I'm thinking either the amulet was fused with the steps upon his death or when dropping items to the ground this amulets drop point was between the planks and the program was unable to handle it.
This has happened to me a few times. I remove a book from a chest and drop it at my feet to read after I close the chest and presto no book. It only happens on the plank platforms when I drop things blindly - there must be micro black holes in the in between spaces. Oh well I guess this is what the console is for.
Forgive my verbiage.