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A character worth a post?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 6:57 am
by Littiz
I was doing it for me, but since everything -from the perfect pics
I found to the editing- turned out very well (more than I expected),
I thought I could post my char in a ready_to_start form...
Probably nobody will try her, as anyone has fun making his own char,
but since the only thing I had to do was writing a quick readme, why not!

She's a Neutral-Good Human Kensai, of course :)
I paste from the attached file..

Her stats:
STR: 9 (HUGE, PERMANENT curse, see below and bio)
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 19 (<-Tome from BG1!)
WIS: 16
CHA: 19 (<-Innate! See bio..)

Special notes:
  • She can be dualled to a mage, despite her low strenght. :)
    She suffered a -1 to strenght every time she gained a Bhaalspawn power, so it's
    a permanent -6, CUMULATIVE with other effect (with belt of STR 22, she'll
    reach only 16!!!!). This VASTLY compensates her other high stats....
  • She may use the ability Defensive Spin (see bio..)
  • She's damn cute! :D
More notes in the text file, also added an alternative pic for the
medium portrait (only another one and still .jpg though, due to dimension
constraints.. also I had to remove the savegame image...)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 7:36 am
by Aubrey
She reminds me of someone I forget... :confused: Anyway, good job, Littiz! :)

Good luck!


Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 8:01 am
by ARcheR_S_
She is the "sidekick" of Xena (the warriorprincess *ahum*)....she is called Gabrielle I beleive

U know that serie which resembles Hercules.


Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 9:25 am
by Aubrey
She is the "sidekick" of Xena (the warriorprincess *ahum*)....she is called Gabrielle I beleive
Yap! You're right. It's her!
U know that serie which resembles Hercules.

Oh, you mean the series which ruin and distort Greek mythology? Of course I know.


Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 6:50 am
by Littiz
@Aubrey, you poser!! :p
You were the ultimate Xena fan, confess it!!! :D

What can I say, I like short haired girls, and mostly I like her expression on that pic!!!! :)

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 7:47 am
by Duke of Earl
Renee O'Connor is her name... she is cuteness personified, is she not? Thanks Littiz! (and may I suggest using a pic of Drew Barrymore for your next creation... :) )


Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:45 am
by Aubrey
@Aubrey, you poser!! You were the ultimate Xena fan, confess it!!!

Nope! I have never, ever, been a fan of these series.
What can I say, I like short haired girls, and mostly I like her expression on that pic!!!!

Don't you think she bears a slight similarity to your Immy? ;) :p


Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:50 am
by ARcheR_S_
I have to say I like Xena better

Ohh no wait! I like Catherina Zeta Jones better

Ohh no wait! I like Viconia better

Ohh no wait! I like JLo better

No No, wrong again...........Anna Paquin is tha best!!!!



Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:41 am
by Lost One
No! Jessica Simpson is the best!
Uhm...what were we talkin' about here in this thread?
Oh yeah! That character looks good, Littiz!
How do you edit a character like that? and are there limitations to how you can edit your character usin' whatever program was used? (newbie to editin')

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 4:52 am
by Littiz
Acc!!!, being out for a while...
Don't you think she bears a slight similarity to your Immy?

In truth, she's much closer to my absolute ideal of all time,
who is young Meg Ryan! And she's beautyful still.....
Go Meg!


@Lost One:
Don't know if I'm too late in replying..
Editing, hm, I'm a newbie too! I used NearInfinity.
A good program which allows to edit all that is editable, with two
-Not very friendly interface IMO
-Many, many attributes simply flagged as "unknown", which makes things
Had to try a little to figure out that without that attribute, the effect
didn't carry through savegames, or without that other was dispellable!
The best thing is to take an effect similar to the one you want,
and experiment some changes, a little boring though.

Anyway, I didn't really want to learn more than necessary to do what
I needed...
I thought that to fully roleplaying a char I had to write a bio
and work a little on it, so now I'll be forced to really play Pure Good! :D and laziness be damned!
Also I thought that in the game the blood of Bhall is never a real nuisance,
while IMHO it should be, especially for a Pure Good char who opposes it
with every action: this choice should have its price :rolleyes:
Furthermore, I thought good for a "non-aggressive" kensai to have
defensive spin..
I really suggest to try for once an extreme good char, it's fun!
And kensai/mages as well :D

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 7:49 am
by Aubrey
@ Littiz --

How do you create a Kensai/ Mage? I've tried it out, beginning with Kensai class but I can't dual-class him to Mage. Do you use SK or, what?

If this has been discussed before, please point me to the thread. No need to repeat the whole issue. :)

Thanks a lot!


Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 8:46 am
by serjeLeBlade
@Littiz: ever considered the idea to make her a romance-enabled npc instead? ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 5:49 am
by Littiz
To dual, you simply need:
-15 in the primary stat of the FIRST class
-17 in the primary stat of the SECOND class

My char has a low strenght but not for the game engine dual-check,
as I used a permanent, undispellable EFFECT.
Otherwise you could simply edit the stats with shadow keeper,
dual, and then lower them again.
Of course, this is cheating, but I've seen worse things...
I should add that Strenght as primary stat for a kensai isn't
even that much fitting, it should be Dex, IMHO

I admit I have a lot of things in mind for this char, and I'd
like to write some of her dialogs!
But I lack:
-Modding Skill
-English GRAMMAR ( :rolleyes: )
Let's leave such things to more competent people... ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 8:47 am
by serjeLeBlade
Originally posted by Littiz
But I lack:
-Modding Skill
-English GRAMMAR ( :rolleyes: )
I notice we have more than 1 thing in common... :rolleyes: ;)