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New superweapons...making your own "keening" class superweapons...

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 3:08 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ok, so you all know whats coming next, the user has come up with a way to bugger the game up for all roleplayers, and powergamers and cheesers will rejoice!!!

right boo???

so what exactly makes keening so superb, and sunder so nasty???

sunder kicks like a daedric warhammer, and has fortify blunt...30 points, i think...keening fortifies speed, but fortifies shortblade by 30 or so points.. with my experiments with fortify mage skills rings, after

"player->addspell"fortify short blade skill" "

cheat, i found out if you fortify skills for only 24 points after you naturally reach 100 in a mage skill, the costs and chances of a spell go DRASTICALLY down, so a skill of 124 increases effeciency tremendously....

also, with some experiments in alchemy, one point increase in skill makes you more effective at a task, than a 5 point incrrease in governening attribute....

so, raisning alchemy skill 100 is better than raising int to 500!!!

so, if you fortify axe or long blade, you become more effective than a fortify str spell...

so a 30 point increase in axe or long blade is like getting a 150 point strength increase!!

but we all know daedric weapons have sucky enchantment points, so the best i thought was possible was a fortify skill, like longsword, cast on self when strikes...

it works, but only the second and third blows really boost you up, and it does not seem as effective.....

so i came up with a better alternative....

bound axe on exquisite ring, and the second spell is fortify axe skill!!!!

constant effect, you should be able to squeeze in axe, and 15 at least points of axe skill...

bound axe gives you 10 points of fortify axe!!!! so a exquiste ring can hold 24 points of fortify skill, with bound axe and fortify axe, you might be able to squeeze in 20 points of fortify...thus 30 point fortify axe with a nice daedric battle axe in inventory....


we have all built enchanted weapons at one point or another, and found its low enchatn points very irritating....

but this way, you get het high enchatn points, and a great weapon....

a fun item to make will be bound long bow, levitate, and fortify marksmanship....

put ring on, and levitate to above the opponents reach,a nd shoot him with long bow...the most evil cheesey weapon ever, except the sword with calm humanoid spell....

yeah, but these rings are all constant effect....

you guys like???????????????

:confused: :confused: :cool: :D ;) :p

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 4:05 pm
by Kanji
User, i dub thee the official experimenter of Morrowind :cool: :cool:

OH! and while were on the subject of fortifying things, im sure you all know the eltonbrands enchantments...but if you dont then here they are, Fire damage 10-30 on strike, fortify attack 30 pts on self on strike, and restore fatigue 10 pts on self on strike. Well, if you actually enchanted something with these, every hit would take a buttload of charge each hit...but with the elton brand, it takes 4! and it has 500 charge!...just tryin to re-state the ubercheapness of the eltonbrand and also let people know they can always get a cheese weapon without having to spend alot of money (for the non rich-people out there) :p : p :p

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 10:37 pm
by UserUnfriendly
i just cant see myself using a weapon called elton brand, sorry...

but here are some results...

get two exquisteee rings...

one has bound longsword and fortify longblade 20 points...

the other bound shield and block for 20 as well...better than keening, you got really better defense....

ok, in a mad fit, i summoned up daedric towershields....

bound battle axe, with fortify axe for 41!!!!!!!!! OOMMMMGGGG!!!!! for a total of 51 points of axe skill!

still in low 70s for axe, but currently running at over 120 axe skill, only umbra sword can kill saints for harvest faster, and my sniper shield, with bound long bow, lev 1 point, and fortify marksman at as funny as i thought....


Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 1:59 pm
by UserUnfriendly
you'll like this, kanji....

i have a ring called supercharger....

actually its named "fortify enchant!"
the "bang" at the end specifies max capacity...i have a problem, i ahve been doing networks too long,a nd instinctively use consistant naming formats even in games....sigh...

anyway, it has fortify enchant skill 24 points, and with my native 100 enchant skill, a ebony staff with 100 point damge health for 4 seconds in 20 foot, which should cost around 30-50 points of charges per hit, at normal enchatn skill, around 60-70, uses with ring 1 charge per hit!!!! once you boost enchant to high levels with secret masters and add a fortify are using one charge per use, no matter how outrageously power ful the spell effect is....

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:39 am
by UserUnfriendly
just killed a lesser daegoth with 3 whacks...

and my native axe skill is only 80 now...

just downloaded the war scythe mod, this is so fun, it looks cool to be the grim reaper...uses axe skill,

all i need now is a robe with hood...since the scythe uses axe, if you still have shield with bound axe equipped, you still get the benefit of the boost to axe skill, but not the bound axe....

hey guys, do you understand???this cheese takes advantage of a loophole in the enchanting engine...

exquisite ring can do 24 points of weapon skill, like longblade, max...

but it only consumes 4 points of weapon skill to put bound weapon in...getting back 6 points of weapon skill!!!!

now do you see??? this weapon cheats out 6 extra skill points out of the game engine...

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:11 pm
by UserUnfriendly
getting to max in axe skill, this weapon is almost as effective as umbra sword....

umbra will kill saints in 3 whacks, this axe takes 4, sunder takes six and keening takes seven...
