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Longbows suck...crossbows rule!!1

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 2:08 pm
by UserUnfriendly
certainly will get flamed for this, but longbows really suck...wasnt until i got my dwarven crossbow, i really enjoyed marksmanship...

flatter trajectory and faster bolt speed means it will hit close to where you aim it, than a long bow, which needs to be "dropped" to target...

the part i really dislike is the fact there are several very good bows in game, like auriels bow, but only generic dwarven crossbow..

try it, guys, you will be so impressed with how much more fun and easy it is to use crossbow...

use are effect ammo, when out on the shooting range, as it will actaully allow you to track where your shots went...

and popping a cliff racer with a dire firestorm bolt is so FUN>>>and SATISFYING....

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 8:10 pm
by camas
so big deal

question is i was told that IAN at ebonheart gave bow training. he says hello master or what ever but no training. what gives????????

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:27 am
by UserUnfriendly
the best bow trainer, or cross and long bow trainer short of secret master is to down load the are effect arrows shopkeeper in vivec from beths page.

she not only offers you a daedric long bow, if you like them, yech...(and she is cute, too)

but infinite arrows!!!

my faves are dire firestorm and silver bolts...2 bolts will put down a daegroth, and silver bolts are available everywhere...with high marksmanship, it makes travelling so much more fun, and you get pactice too popping racers with explosive arrows..gotta be illegal, cause its just too fun...

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:48 am
by limorkil
I still prefer the longbow - I just find it more fun to use for some reason, maybe because it is more challenging.

I love dropping cliff racers as they fly towards you. Sniping people while stealthed is fun too. Last night I shot an ebony armored dumner in the head has he ran across my line of sight to get to me. Didn't kill him, but knocked him off his feet.

I even did a 'Rambo' near Gnisis when someone started casting at me while I was swimming in a pool: I came up out of the water and shot her in the head. Stupid mage.

Marksman is definately my favorite skill, even though Long Blade is my main attack.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:01 pm
by UserUnfriendly
running around the ashlands with my high powered sniper rifle loaded with explosive thats entertainment!!!!

after some experiments with cliff racers, found explosive rounds caused more damage...

you know, even thoug i came up with making a keening class longbow, i still dont like it....

("player->addspell"fortify shortblade skill" "

then make a daedric shield one in golem galus...or ring with bound long bow and 20-40 points of fortify marksmanship)

i just dont like the physics of the weapon...

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:14 pm
by Sojourner
I haven't tried crossbows yet, but I've been having a blast honing my marksmanship skill with my fav longbow, which I created with the construction set. One of my favorite tatics is to get a monster's attention with Soul Trap and then drop it with my bow as it comes racing toward me. Now, if I could only find someone to help me boost my Enchant skill...

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:28 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ok, long bows dont suck...

if you hold down left click for awhile, you get no trajectory drop...whew...the physics of a long bow projectile now follows crossbow projectiles...

ok, might make my super bound long bow constant effect with 41 point marksmanskill boost daedric shield....

super long range death!

console in some daedric arrows, and have fun...