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Warcraft 3

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 9:09 pm
by Dakkon
Who here plans on being addicted to warcraft 3?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 9:16 pm
by Nightmare
EDIT: Topic was moved.

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:22 pm
I hate RTS games myself so I have very very little interest in WC3....never enough time to even play the couple games I really like so why bother with something that is not going to really thrill me?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:44 pm
by Xandax
Although NwN is mentioned in the polls - this has nothing to do with NwN and is therefore moved to SYM.


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Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:57 am
by Eerhardt
I don't have many RTS's at home, but Warcraft II and Starcraft won me over - very strong and addicitive gameplay. But since I'm also a fan of the BG series, I'm definitely getting NWN as well.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 1:04 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I loved Warcraft 2, the orcs were easily the best side to play as. The Dune series was quite good too, I still remember playing the original Dune way back in primary school.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:16 am
by fable
Too bad you don't have a reply that's simply, "It's a boring, linear game. Why should I care?" ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:34 am
by Vicsun
It's a boring, linear game. Why should I care?
I'm talking about NWN here. You didn't think anything else did you?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:34 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by fable
Too bad you don't have a reply that's simply, "It's a boring, linear game. Why should I care?" ;)
*cough* you could edit the poll *cough* ;)

I have heard good things about Warcraft 3, good plot line and all.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:42 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Mr Sleep

*cough* you could edit the poll *cough* ;)

I have heard good things about Warcraft 3, good plot line and all.
Actually I've had the game for quite some time now, and I can say that it's terrific (a terrific RTS that is. I hope no one expects to see an RPG when they buy it, because it's got (almost) nothing to do with an RPG)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:01 am
by Nightmare
I'm sorry to all, but the best RTS was not by Blizzard. C&C Red Alert is the best RTS I've ever played (although Warcraft 3 might have something to say about it). I also throughly enjoyed Warcraft 2. I've heard extremely good things about Sacrifice, too.

*dons anti-flame armour*

I don't like Starcraft too much. Sure, the Terrans are fun to play as. And the story line (and the history of the races in the manual) is terrific. But, only being able to select 12 units at a time, the slow build times, and just the overall feeling of the game didn't make me enjoy it too much. Sure, it was a very good game. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:20 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Gaxx_Firkraag
*dons anti-flame armour*

I don't like Starcraft too much. Sure, the Terrans are fun to play as. And the story line (and the history of the races in the manual) is terrific. But, only being able to select 12 units at a time, the slow build times, and just the overall feeling of the game didn't make me enjoy it too much. Sure, it was a very good game. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
*Picks up flamethrower*
(using a firebat voice) Ready to burn!
Image Image

Starcraft is the game. Anyone who thinks something else deserves death! Image Image
*sad musik playing as a background*
We will never abandon you Rainor! We shall never give up!

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:56 am
by KidD01
Warcraft 3 ? Hell Yeah ! I've been starving, lusting, longing for this one ! Bring it on !

PS : I've tried the beta on a friend's really rocks with some bugs. and some forums says it's worth it ! Image :cool: ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 11:15 am
by fable
*cough* you could edit the poll *cough* ;)

*cough* it's not my poll, so it's not my place to edit it *cough* :p

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:36 pm
by Aegis
I personally think that WC3 is going to be a far superior game then NWN is. Blizzard has amazing track record for games (let us not speak of Diablo though), and seems to have done a thorough Beta test for WC3 (dating back to early Spring, at least) while Bioware did about a month or two worth of Beta (which inevitably caused it to be pre-maturely released, with glaring bugs and issues). Also, it is continuing an epic storyline that was created years, and already has the fan base to make it an online hit almost instantly. Also, IMHO, Blizzard is much when it comes to customer support, care, and satisfaction. WC3 is for me.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 1:21 pm
by Andy Strawn
Ahh, WC3! It'll be out on Wednesday, and my friends and I will have a LAN party - it'll be the best game ever, except maybe Starcraft.

The thing about Blizzard is, they never let the players down. Look at the titles they've published - the Warcraft and Diablo series, and Starcraft, all flawless, unprecented hits, highly addictive. I love Starcraft in particular because of the unique three-race system, balance among units, endless tactics you can use, so on and so forth.

On the contrary, the BG series are excellent but they become trite after the first run-through.

By the way, did someone say the building is slow in SC? You should definitely play Age of Empires 2. Try to build that Wonder. Ugh.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:15 pm
by Rob-hin
@ Andy, indeed Starcraft is IMO the best RTS ever.
I'm no fan of Diablo however.

I'm kinda curious about WoW too! It looks and sounds very good.
But I won't pay every month to play a game... too bad :(

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:46 pm
by Dakkon
Originally posted by fable
Too bad you don't have a reply that's simply, "It's a boring, linear game. Why should I care?" ;)
Heh what game are you talking about here, Nwn or WC3?
If NwN than you are right on, the game has no playability what so ever, after beating the game twice, you realize that you just threw away 60 bucks for a week of pleasure, there is no randomness what so ever to the story line, every thing is the same, maybe some super weapons will generate at some other location but thats about it. Sureeeeeeee multi was good, but the fact is when there are 5000 people at most on multi, the game wears out fast, and now someone who loves the game will say hey what about dm or aurora editor. Well the fact is half of the ppl who bought the game probably have never played real dungeons and dragons, and have only had experience in computer games, so that makes dm useless unless you got like 10 friends who love it( most ppl dont). Than there is aurora toolset, which first of all requires people to have some knowledge of scripting, and to really go deep with it, knowledge about C. Well once again fact is that not many people know that stuff, id take the diablo random generator anyday over toolset.
Now as for Warcraft its story liner is NOT linear nor boring, since as i remember starcraft had one of the best storylines and probably the best multiplayer ever, and WC3 is surely going to even surpass that, i played the beta at my friends house, and i can say without a doubt that the multiplayer is amazing, also having like 200,000 people server isnt too bad :)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:28 pm
by Nippy
I've never played Starcraft, is it worth it? ;) I'm downloading the demo now. I'm intrigued... :)

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:39 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Dakkon

Heh what game are you talking about here, Nwn or WC3?
If NwN than you are right on, the game has no playability what so ever, after beating the game twice, you realize that you just threw away 60 bucks for a week of pleasure, there is no randomness what so ever to the story line,
Randomness in the storyline? Who was discussing that? :) I was discussing linear gameplay. There's nothing of that in the WC series. There's never any ability to choose a variety of attacking areas, as in Warlords Battlecry, to gain different strategic and tactical advantages in the form of different allies, bonuses, etc. Nor the ability to choose two out of five lesser ally groupings as in Dune 2000, while your enemies select two others. And while you can carry over your heroes (they finally learned how popular that was from observing W:B2), the results still don't let you vary your units or production anywhere near as dramatically as in the Kohan series. Even by RTS standards, which are normally pretty rigid, WC3 is set in cement.

As for NWN, of course there isn't randomness "in the storyline." I never claimed there was. I'm personally not particularly interested in a storyline that has one side or another winning at the end; I want something different *while I'm playing,* and something more than just a group of supposedly different units. NWN gives you the illusion of non-linearity through a plethora of quests that tend to disguise its purpose--no, definitely not as well as PS:T, Ultima VII or BG2, but still well enough to make it feel fresh to me. And as for this--

every thing is the same, maybe some super weapons will generate at some other location but thats about it.

...well, that's just wrong. You have fairly large differences between professions, as well as five henchmen who also affect the progress of the game. I'm by no means a tremendous NWN supporter. ;) But it's hardly as dreary as you make out; while my reflections upon WC3 were simply asking for another reply to the poll that allowed one to enter a negative opinion about the game. Isn't that allowed? Or are we only supposed to walk forawrd in lockstep, and acknowledge that WC3 is the greatest? :D