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Tomb in Beggar's Nest

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:25 pm
by skywise
The riddle for the tomb in Beggar's Nest reads:

'A wall at arms length'

So after trying out all the gems I have in the chest I'm thinking 'Agate', unfortunately I don't have one of those :(
Are there any jeweller's in town? Does anyone know where to find an Agate? Is it even the right answer?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:34 pm
by Yuusuke

Okay, here goes
You need to talk to Briley in the Hall of Justice (City Core) to start the quest that will lead you to this door. SOLUTION ahead...
After you get your three ceremonial items (Sword, Shield, and Arrow) you put one of each in the corresponding chests. A Wall at Arms Length = Shield