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Never's Tomb

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 6:33 pm
by sandman76
ok, I know there is a thread in here somewhere that talks about the tombs, but I can't find it anyway, my question is: where in the bloddy hell is the Docks' Tomb? The Journel says it is the Northwest Quarter Aqueducts. Do you have to into the Aqueducts building, or is it a door like the other two Tombs? Just don't know where to go to find it is all. Thanks......

oh and another question: Does the double axe give you an extra attack when your BSB goes to +11/+6? or does it just use those for it "Double attack"? and do you need Two Weapon Fighting to use it better, or without the normal penalty? On my 7th fighter, it does not seem like he gets penalized for using it. I have Weapon Focused with it, it is the Double Axe of the Tall Kin +1, with 18 strength, and I think on the character sheet page my attacks are at +13/+8. Sorry, lots of info. thanks for any ideas or help.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 6:41 pm
by Nygma
Minor Spoiler

If you go into the Silver Sails Trading company or whatever its called and go into the aqueducts from there, the opening to the tomb, IIRC, is on the opposite side of the map from where you enter the aqueducts.

About the double weapon thing, I have no idea. That was one of my first posts. From reading the posts on the Bioware forum, it might be bugged.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 6:54 pm
by sandman76
double axe

Yeah that is what I have been reading. was it said on this site that they had a patch for it now? or soon? It does seem that i attack more often with the double axe, then with my Stonefire Great axe, however I can't tell from the dialog box, if it does have more attacks.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 8:58 am
by Mathurin
double weapons

Its a bug. You wont see the extra attacks on your character sheet but watch the box at the bottom when in combat and youll notice something that says off-hand attack # of roll + bonus

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 9:02 am
and yes you need two weapon fighting and ambidexterity to improve your chances to hit with the double axe. anyone can use it but there are severe penalties.