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lol! FUNNY! summoner geeks.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:07 pm
by leeman_s
this is a link to a video called 'summoner geeks'. hehe, this is real funny.
click here

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:08 pm
by [-Mortician-]

"Am i outside the Tavern?"


"Cool! i'm gonna get drunk!"

Hehe priceless

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:18 pm
by [-Mortician-]

"Roll the dice to see if i'm drunk!"

"I'm casting Magic Missle"
"at what there isn't anything there?"
"I'm attacking the Darkness!"

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:35 pm
by Mathurin
The Summoner creators didnt come up with it. Its a take off of the old Dead Ale Wives skit. Its been around for more years than I can remember. It actually mentions the Dead Alewives on the download page you have the link to. I think it came out in the 80's when all the groups got up in arms about D&D being a game for the devil worshippers and pagans. Was a bunch of crap. The skit is kinda funny though.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 1:02 pm
unrelated, but:

I have a friend who plays Wolfensteing multiplayer as "I CAST MAGIC MISSILE!!!!"

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 2:26 pm
by Stilgar
I knew the movie already, but lost it a while ago.
Thanks for the link.
It's a great movie!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 1:38 am
by Xandax
Not relavent for Neverwinter Nights - thread moved.


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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 8:00 pm
by NightFallMyriad
Being a Descent fan, we were all watching this when Red Faction was about to come out, hoping it would be similar to Descent.

Sadly... it wasn't. But the promo is still hilarious!!!