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Hidden Quests?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 4:59 am
by NiteWulf
I have been playing BG:SoA for a long time now, and have solved many quests.
But I was wondering, are there quests hidden inside the game?

I don't mean like the Crom Faer searching, which is too obvious, or the Pantaloons quest- over 3 games spread- but like the Human Flesh armor: you must pick it up to get a dialogue option from a guy in the Umar Hills.

Like, when you finish off the mindflayers in the Athkatla sewers, you find a Ultharid message about "The Hidden", partially in an Alien script.
Could you talk to anyone about it, can anyone tranlate it for you?

If you have played quests that might have been hidden, or wonder if there's anything else, please respond!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 5:16 am
by Astafas
Have you asked for an adventure when throwing the Limited Wish Spell?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 6:47 am
by serjeLeBlade
Originally posted by NiteWulf
Like, when you finish off the mindflayers in the Athkatla sewers, you find a Ultharid message about "The Hidden", partially in an Alien script.
Could you talk to anyone about it, can anyone tranlate it for you?
When I found that scroll the first time, I assumed it was about the Unseeing Eye (the beholder-maybe-demi-god...). Don't know if I guessed it right, anyway.

Have you considered reading a walkthrough?
Is the fastest way to discover "hidden" things.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 6:59 am
by Stilgar
The note is part of an unfinished quest, just like the hidden.
Have you did all the NPC quests?
And did what Astafas suggested?

But I don't realy understand the word "hidden" no quest is hidden, they all start somewhere, accept for the mindflayer sewer, there you just have to bust in and kill!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 11:42 am
by jaxaxe
how do you get in there?

when i try to get in, i can't pick it and it stays locked.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 12:24 pm
by Malakian

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 28
how do you get in there?

when i try to get in, i can't pick it and it stays locked.

You need the Sewer Key, which is found in the Windspear Hill's dungeon.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 2:39 pm
by NiteWulf
But I don't realy understand the word "hidden" no quest is hidden, they all start somewhere, accept for the mindflayer sewer, there you just have to bust in and kill!

I was trying to say, quests without clues leading to them.
That's why I used the example of the Human Flesh armor- okay it isn't a real quest...
You just bump into it, you pick up the armor, and then get an extra dialogue option for the Umar Hills guy.

Another example: you'll never get to Trademeet(?) unless you let Mazzy stay in your party for a while, there's no mentioning of the city elsewhere.

That's what I meant with "hidden", quests or item-gatherings that aren't that obvious, and might not be found in any Walkthroughs- and I read a lot of them.

@Asttafas: No I haven't tried it, I didn't like the spell at first -ask for experience and get 5 Golems that'll kill ya!
But now I will, thanx..

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 4:50 pm
by fable
I was trying to say, quests without clues leading to them.
That's why I used the example of the Human Flesh armor- okay it isn't a real quest...

Actually, it *is* part of a real quest, and was programmed as such.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 12:45 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by NiteWulf
Another example: you'll never get to Trademeet(?) unless you let Mazzy stay in your party for a while, there's no mentioning of the city elsewhere.
You're wrong. There is a guy in the Gate area who asks you to solve the problem of animals attacking Trademeet.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 2:27 pm
by NiteWulf
Thanks for all your replies, I feel like an amateur trying to play Major League on this forum.
Anyway, my search for strange things continues.
You can sell your Ring of Fire Resistance to the Swirfneblin in the Underdark for over 2,000,000 GP and buy it back for 1,200. Did you know that?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 2:54 pm
by Stilgar
Originally posted by NiteWulf
Thanks for all your replies, I feel like an amateur trying to play Major League on this forum.
Anyway, my search for strange things continues.
You can sell your Ring of Fire Resistance to the Swirfneblin in the Underdark for over 2,000,000 GP and buy it back for 1,200. Did you know that?
No, never knew that!
Sure it's not a bug?
Anyone else tested this?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:11 am
by NiteWulf
B]No, never knew that! Sure it's not a bug? Anyone else tested this?[/b]

I have posted this on another forum some time ago, and some others tried it as well.
I haven't had any replies but had high ratings for this "tip".
Of course, it destroys the game balance of gold gathering but it came in useful.

Try it and find out if it works for you too Stilgar and tell me the result okay?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 7:32 pm
by Nygma
You can sell your Ring of Fire Resistance to the Swirfneblin in the Underdark for over 2,000,000 GP and buy it back for 1,200. Did you know that?

That's nothing, I sold my Staff of Curing to the drow for over 8,000,000! :D :D :D

Yes, it's a bug. I thought that was fixed in a patch. You ran into a drow party that sicced a nishruu on you, right? What happens, if I understand this right, is that if you have 0 charges on a magical item and the nishruu tries to consume it, this bug actually causes the number of charges to wrap around, so you now have max charges. And not 50 or 100, but thousands.

These magical items are highly sought after, naturally, and command top dollar prices. :D

The first time through the game I bought anything and everything I could find. I continued my profligate ways into Throne of Bhaal, and still ended the game with over 4,000,000.

Unfortunately, the second time through my Staff was intact. The drow wouldn't even look at it. :(