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Lost in ash storm

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 12:44 pm
by Rheomyr
Neminda Redoran wants me find Mathis Delobar (a trader who was caught in the ash storm in the middle of nowhere). I talked with locals and searched the area but still can't locate the guy. Does anybody know where he is?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 4:38 am
by Loredweller
You're at Maar Gan, aren't you? Do not take road to south, get the one west (it turns after a while). It's almost stright west as a bird flies. The merchant is between the first door in the tomb and entrance.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 8:19 pm
by Rheomyr
Thanks, I think I know this tomb (was there before). I will check it out.