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homosexuality in nwn

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:07 am
by iphlyjaii
i am currently in the brothel in luskan and was surprised to see that homosexuality amongst the prostitutes was common. From the conversation with the brothel owner, Oreth and his High Captain male employers and the other encounters with the various female prostitutes saying "wait your turn sweetie" have confirmed to me that Bioware has successfully tackled the controversial issue of open homosexuality in video games. It is nice to see that Bioware has broken down the shackles of discrimination against homosexual relations. I am happy to see that Bioware took a big step into recognizing this lifestyle not as some evil social faux pas, but as a way of encouraging tolerance and reality amongst people in the world.

ps. I am not gay, but I seriously believe that homosexuality should not be condemned in any way. Tolerance and peace should be spread amongst everyone big and small.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:37 am
by dragon wench
I have long thought Bioware to be the best of all game producers.

However, IMO, this fact alone gives them a stature and acclaim that justifies their many awards.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 7:42 am
by Mathurin
I assume you were referring to female prostitutes saying "Wait your turn sweetie" to a female PC? I don't mean to burst your bubble but it may simply be a glitch. I've had a couple of times in the game where certain NPC's don't correctly recognize the sex of my character. For instance since I started chapter 2 Aarin Gend has been referring to me as a female whenever I greet him. So Bioware may not be the openminded forthright people your painting them to be, it may simply be a situation where your experiencing a glitchy game.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 8:15 am
by Eriks

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 9:38 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
That's a point, it may simply be a default comment like the harlots in BG and BG2. They still had the same voice samples irrespective of whether you were male or female.
If it was intentional, however, then good on Bioware!

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 9:53 am
by fable
I detect a stroooong flavor of satire in the original post at the top of this thread. :D ;)

...but for those who are genuinely interested in this subject, Ultima VIIa (released in 1992) allowed you to choose either sex to have as a "bedpal" if you paid your fee a the buccaneer-run island; and yes, they'd inquire if you swung that way.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:29 am
by Ares2382
There is no homosexuality in this game, try to play as a male character and come up to a male prostitute, they willl tell you to go away. As for the females, that's probably a glitch, might not be though. I remember in arcanum they had homosexuality for women only, but that's cause there were no male prostitutes there.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:43 am
by baileyatbrats
Sounds like the ultimate hetero male fantasy world to me - Homosexual women, but not homsexual men.

I think I'm moving to Neverwinter. (No offense to gay males intended)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:56 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by fable
I detect a stroooong flavor of satire in the original post at the top of this thread. :D ;)
Oh, it wasn't just me who was wondering that... :o :) Phew. Beats being paranoid. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:56 pm
"I have long thought Bioware to be the best of all game producers.

However, IMO, this fact alone gives them a stature and acclaim that justifies their many awards."

So, according to your logic, any game which contains homosexuality is a great game for which the designers should receive an award? This just demonstrates how absurd those who support the homosexual agenda really are.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:19 pm
by baileyatbrats
"This just demonstrates how absurd those who support the homosexual agenda really are."

I don't think this is the appropriate place to air your bigotry. Please go to another forum,or learn to take some lighthearted humor as just that.

By the way don't play Diablo II, I heard it actually turns you gay.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:25 pm
by Calogrenant
Originally posted by baileyatbrats
By the way don't play Diablo II, I heard it actually turns you gay.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:45 pm
by Xandax
People - please keep spam, and meaningless posts (like LOL and ROFL and nothing else) to a minimum.
And don't trash other games with comments like "It makes you gay", and certainly do not thrash down on other peoples sexuality.



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Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:55 pm
by baileyatbrats
That was a joke

"And don't trash other games with comments like 'It makes you gay', and certainly do not thrash down on other peoples sexuality."

I'm sorry if I offended anyone at Blizzard Entertainment, or any players of their fine games or those players' life partners.

I was merely trying to point out the absurdity of someone spouting hate rhetoric in a game forum.

I will behave. And bee hive.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:23 pm
"I don't think this is the appropriate place to air your bigotry. Please go to another forum,or learn to take some lighthearted humor as just that.

By the way don't play Diablo II, I heard it actually turns you gay."

Why do you think this is an appropriate forum to discuss homosexuality? That is the topic of this thread, which I did not start. Yet, I don't see you telling the initial poster that the thread topic is inappropriate for this forum.. This is yet more proof of the absurdity of those who support the homosexual agenda.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:38 pm
by baileyatbrats
The origianl post was about something that the original poster saw in the game "Neverwinter Nights"
It is a computer RPG. This forum is dedicated to that game.
It is my belief that you were "off topic."

The forum administrator has admonished us to not attack other people's life styles.
Please comply.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:52 pm
by Caster13
Okay, maybe the female prostitutes saying their lines to female characters may be a glitch.

But what about that Oreth and his High Captain employers...? What else do you employ a male prostitute to do?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 2:54 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by EPKJ
Why do you think this is an appropriate forum to discuss homosexuality? That is the topic of this thread, which I did not start. Yet, I don't see you telling the initial poster that the thread topic is inappropriate for this forum.. This is yet more proof of the absurdity of those who support the homosexual agenda.
Sorry Xandax, but I have to say this. I'm afraid, EPKJ, that discussing homosexuality is one thing. This thread was started to do that, to talk about homosexuality in a game. Making bigoted comments does not fit in to this discussion and I think that you should not try and kid yourself that you're trying to hold discussion. The poster was making the point that saying things like "This is yet more proof of the absurdity of those who support the homosexual agenda" is something that you really shouldn't be saying on these forums (or saying with any other human being around, but that's just IMO). I have absolutely no problem with you disliking gays, but I think many people here would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself. Now I'm not entirely sure whether the original poster meant his comment to be taken seriously, though I suspect so in light of his final paragraph, but what I do know is that we can discuss whether we think that this is a bug in the game, and if it is intentional whether Bioware deserve praise, but what we should not do is air feelings of resentment or jealousy towards anyone, even if they happen to be a three-legged bestophile from Mars. And do try to take a joke, OK?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:11 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I'm sooo evil...

Can you please copy/move this thread to SYM @Xandax?
I think EPKJ would find the folks there are more than willing to discuss the "absurdity of those who support the homosexual agenda. "
Pity Fable's a mod and has to be 'responsible'...

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 8:33 am
by Ares2382
But what about that Oreth and his High Captain employers...? What else do you employ a male prostitute to do?

It is possible that the High Captains would have female pirates working for them, and those female pirates want to have some fun too.