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Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 5:14 pm
by RandomThug
In the honor of one of my favorite holidays I would like to start a thread for the American and non american. A POSITIVE thread, repeat POSITIVE thread...

What about America do you enjoy. What about Americans do you like. What about american society do you find good and great. Always is it the negative post about america and its citizens. Always do I see arguments about what is WRONG while people look over what is obviusly RIGHT. America is a great place to live, I can vouch for that, and it is a beautiful land. I love america because I love what it stands for.

What I love about America is our sense of freedom, no not our right to bear it and no not the fact we have it. The fact that we want it always.... the fact that when you threaten our freedom as the terrorists did on sept. 11. We bond together in patriosm. Even the scum bag americans were at home going "wow" and "that is wrong". I love America and the fact that I can choose what I want to be, where I want to be it, and how I want to get it done. I am proud to be an american.

Ok enough ranting, now lets not all be lame and patriotic as me... just be short and say something like "I like american porno.."


Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 6:43 pm
by Weasel
I would say ...I like how I can stand up and voice my opinion without worrying about a jail sentence. This would go along with the right not to answer any question as well.

The fact I can decide what I want to be. And if I fail in that endeavor, it will be my fault. Poor education is not an excuse for failure...the will to not try is.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 7:00 pm
by HighLordDave
Why I love America:

I can worship the God of my choice in the manner I choose, and my neighbour can worship the God of his choice in the manner he chooses, and we won't try and kill each other over it.

Whitewater rafting on the Gauley River in West Virginia.

I can read anything I want, I can say anything I want and I do not fear incarceration or death for either.

Sunsets over Mount Moran in the Grand Tetons.

I can begin my life as a war orphan, grow up in a loving family, get two college degrees and die fat, dumb and happy.

Division-III college football.

My stepdaughter can pursue any vocation she wants, she can wear whatever she wants and she can make enough money to stick me in the finest nursing home money can buy.

White sandy beaches that squeak beneath your feet and emerald-green water along the Redneck Riviera in Florida.

My kids can play baseball in any field in the city without fear of stepping on a land mine left over from the last war.

Vivid video.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 7:24 pm
by Bloodstalker
The bunny ranch in Nevada. :D And the fact that I can say anything, and even if I am looked at like I should be put away, I am not. :cool:

BTW, haven't seen you before, so, hello and welcome. :cool:

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:43 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Dubyah quotes-A never-ending source of amusement for my friends and I. :D
San Fransisco(sp?)-I want to see this city so much...
The video games industry that is responsible for such gems as the BG series. :cool: While there've also been some shockers released, the good games are easily good enough to make up for it. And you don't have to buy the bad ones.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 4:59 am
by Tamerlane
The Hollywood industry for providing an enjoyable pastime.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 5:06 am
by Nippy
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Dubyah quotes-A never-ending source of amusement for my friends and I. :D
San Fransisco(sp?)-I want to see this city so much...
The video games industry that is responsible for such gems as the BG series. :cool: While there've also been some shockers released, the good games are easily good enough to make up for it. And you don't have to buy the bad ones.
Ummm, hate to say it, but it's Canadian. :D ;)

Seriously though, I like America's passion, and even though we were at war once, we are now two very close and respecting nations. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 9:13 am
by Pregethwr
New York

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:23 am
by frogus
I've never been to America, although it sounds like a great place :) on the whole. One thing I do like about America though: Mexican slang! Yay! and doughnuts are good too, if they're American...

Ummm, hate to say it, but it's Canadian.

Since when has Canada left America?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:36 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by HighLordDave
Why I love America:
Vivid video.
Am I the only person who noticed this? :D

As a (half)foreigner to America, the best thing about America, and something I always notice when I go, is the friendliness of people. In England, if you say "Hi" to random people on the street, they'll look at you as if you've just escaped from a high-security mental asylum and have your straitjacket still tied around your head and other than that are buck-naked, and then proceed to ignore you. :rolleyes: :D

Good point, froggie. You tell 'em, pedant-boy :p

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:40 am
by frogus
LOL :D . I don't think that is anything special about America. If one goes to any country in the entire world (apart from Scotland), strangers will be pleased to speak, or at least say 'hello' to you. England is full of incredibly antisocial people.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:47 am
by RandomThug
To Bloodstalker, thanks for the hi. And to the others, thanks for the posting... Makes me all warm inside. I love this kind of stuff.


p.s. wow Im exalted...

ex·alt Pronunciation Key (g-zôlt)
tr.v. ex·alt·ed, ex·alt·ing, ex·alts
To raise in rank, character, or status; elevate: exalted the shepherd to the rank of grand vizier.
To glorify, praise, or honor.
To increase the effect or intensity of; heighten: works of art that exalt the imagination.
Obsolete. To fill with sublime emotion; elate.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:54 am
by Word

woo-hoo :D :cool: ;) :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:59 am
by Vinin
I like having free public schools

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:59 am
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Word

woo-hoo :D :cool: ;) :D
Hmm, not exactly in the spirit of the thread, but I suppose it had to happen... :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:07 am
by Rob-hin
I like America for some things, but mostly for:


Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:29 am
by frogus
I'm waiting for;;;
'San Dimas High School Football Rules!' :)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:31 am
by Kameleon

Damn, too late :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:09 pm
by VoodooDali
It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it. Everybody has their own America, and then they have the pieces of a fantasy America that they think is out there but they can't see.
* Andy Warhol

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:53 pm
by RandomThug
Warhol was a nut.

I would ten fold rather live in a country that follows trends of movie stars (who actually do actually work) then some wierd hierarchy (Britain) or a country that doesnt follow anything but is blindly led by thier government/god whatnot.


ps. I love america