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wats the fastest way to get your security up?
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 6:11 pm
by Devil May Cry
what is the fastest way to get your secruity up?
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:26 pm
by Tybaltus
As usual, there are 2 options.
1-If you have moneyand if you just want quickness then train for security-Try people of house Hlaalu or thieves guilds
2-If you are patient and want to save money-Just try and open everything you can without committing a crime. Should still be pretty fast.
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:13 am
by UserUnfriendly
actually 3 options....
secret master, just open stuff, and like the infamous prop the sneak button, a good exploit does exist....
buy all the lockpicks you can get your hands on, and i think in chaldera or somewhere is a person who sells the "lock" spell, go to your residence, and cast on a chest, unlock with picks, lock, and repeat...
i am not sure if the lock level affects how much bonus you get, this would be soemthing you can try out....
cast standard lock, 10 points on a chest, pick and then cast a 100 point lock spell on a chest....
seriously, the security skill is almost useless...
almost, but not quite...even if you play assassin or thief...
you make a ring with 100 point open with touch and you basicaly have everything you need...always works... and you can even make the ring of userunfriendly....
but a high secuirity skill will help you pickpocket, though to my experience a high luck is much more important....
the ring of userunfreindly is a evil evil device...ok, the open spell is touch only, and cannot be ranged, this makes for a lot of problems, especially if you are stealling stuff via telekenisis...
o make a ring with 100 foot telekensis and 2 sec duration and a 100 point open spell...
equipp, and use like a ranged weapon, point to a long distance target, click, and half second later click again...
you have not only done the impossible, use open as a ranged spell, and you can loot everything without even getting near teh chest...