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cool weapons

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 10:27 pm
by khaselri
does any 1 no whre to find cool weapons. so far ive just been enchanting my stuff exept for some of my ok magik weapns.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:42 pm
by Tybaltus
Anywhere and everywhere. If your question wasnt such a broad question I would be able to help you out. What type of weapon are you looking for? Once you tell me this I will be happy to give you direction to a couple of decent weapons.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:44 am
by free_fall
It's been my experience that the majority of enchanted weapons you find are not as powerful as ones you can create yourself or, if powerful, don't hold a big charge.

For example, I found an artifact sword, a big 60 lb. claymore that does 1-40 frost damage on strike (and, being a claymore, has a high max damage). However, it only carries a charge of 40 so you only get a few whacks before it runs dry; that and the 60 lb. weight get it left sitting in a chest.

So, I have a pair of Daedric shortswords - half the max damage of the claymore but 8-10 greater min damage - enchanted with 50 frost on one and 50 fire on the other. Note this is *not* 1-50, but *50*. Golden Saints give these a charge of 400 and, at 5 pts. a whack, I get about 80 whacks on a full charge.

1-2 whacks takes care of all wildlife and lesser bipeds. 4 whacks of the frost will bring down an Ascended Sleeper.

I have another of these swords with 18-35 absorb health - 6 whacks to take out a Dremora Lord.

You will eventually come across weapons with multiple enchantments that seem pretty cool but I find my homemade ones more effective.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 4:03 am
by UserUnfriendly
yeah, but if you hit a golden saint with a daedric claymore, i did a damage health sword, it takes 4-6 whacks but umbra takes 3 every time...

same goes for crysmere...

sure seems like the artifact sowrds do a heck of a lot more pure damage than even the home grown version...

actually, bith sunder and keening and other artifact weapons do a LOT more real damage than the weapon type is capable of....

only my uber weapons come even close....

my uber weapons???

total hack job...

look for my post on "making your own keening class superweapons" thread....

i cheated in a spell to allow fortify skill, and used daedric towershields to bind weapon, and add skill of weapon type....

a shield of daedric battle axe gave me bound battle axe and 41 point bonus to skill...add teh 10 point bonus bound weapons give you and you have 51 point bonus...better than keening...