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do Tamrielic artifacts really disappear?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:29 pm
by free_fall
I have collected several of the artifacts described in the book "Tamrielic Artifacts". The book states that each of these artifacts eventually escaped the possession of their owners in order to be discovered by new owners. Does this actually happen to you in the game?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:45 pm
by Tybaltus
No. If you are talking about the items I think you are talking about, than no. The only weapons/items that ever disappear are bound items-the items you summon.

Could you tell me a name of a Tamrielic item on the list so I can confirm my answer?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:44 am
by free_fall
Cuirass of the Savior's Hide - I'm wearing it, so I was able to check the name.

There's a 60 lb. claymore with 1-40 frost damage called the Majesty sword or something like that - it's back in Balmora so I coldn't check it conveniently.

I think the Vampiric ring and maybe the Ring of Winds.

The Lord's Mail was in the book.

I tried to take the book but couldn't - didn't think to try Cameleon + Sneak. I've been keeping an eye out for another copy of it but haven't come across one anywhere yet. I guess I could go back and try again, now that I'm immune to corpus.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 4:09 am
by UserUnfriendly
book is not that great....

does not give you locations....

i have actually collected all but two items, and most are not great....the rings are ok, most are constant effect with good high point enchants, others are cast on use and i quite frankly find the spell selection rather iffy and not so good, much better to make my own....

but is nice piece of trophy for my stronghold as a coffee table book..... :p

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:31 am
by Tybaltus
Just out of curiousity, what are the 2 items you are missing, UserUnfriendly?

As far as them not being great-I agree to a point. I like to find the artifacts-gives a bit of excitement. I found that Skull Crusher has been really good to my mage. I feel like a warrior now. A lot have been disappointing. I was really disappointed in Warlock's Ring, Umbra Sword, Ice Blade of the Monarch, and Bow of Shadows. These items, however, are nothing to sneeze at. They are all strong in their own way.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:01 pm
by UserUnfriendly
didnt find or get eidolons shield and spell breaker....

warlocks ring, and bow of shadows is not so hot, so is ice blade, but TRY umbra.... it seems to do much better damage than a daedric dai katana, and as others have mentioned in forum, it bypassess all weapons resistance, and i have seen it whack saints in 3 whacks...

imho, best sword in game, it always works and does massive damage...skull breaker is ok, but i prefer sunder for blunt...yeah, it looks really cool, and relatively early in game gives you a sunder class weapon to play with....and its light, even non equipped, whereas a daedric battle hammer weighs in at 3 times the weight , and i think does less damage, and is two handed to boot....

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 3:29 pm
by Tybaltus
Well there is reason for my madness:
The reason why I dont like Umbra-is because I really dont have any character proficient with the long sword.

I chose Skull Crusher because with that character, I havent gotten into the plot so I dont have Sunder, yet. Once I get sunder, you can bet I will be using it :D

I have found Eliedon's Ward. Its not bad. It can heal you for a short period I think. It is a heavy shield. If you want me to tell you where you find it, I will be happy to.

Spell Breaker-I have no idea.