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2nd Hlaalu quest

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 6:10 am
by Silver Knight
Is there a way to get Aurane Frernis' recipes without killing her? I tried bribing her to the max but she still refused to give them up.

When I took them and killed her the ordinators took all of my stolen property, not just the loot from that crime! Some people have no consideration - my daedric katana and 4 grand soul gems! Those items were looted from dead smugglers/slavers anyway!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 6:53 am
by DojoRat
Go invisible

It has been awhile but can't you use a spell/potion/scroll to go invisible if your sneak level isn't high enough to grab them without getting caught? Thieving makes you visible again but for a one time grab it usually works.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:18 am
by Tybaltus
If that doesnt work and you are not a thief-do what I did the first time-steal the formulas-and then RUN! Avoid the guards and then remove the price on your head via the thieves guild and then return the formulas to the miss dorvayn in the council hall. If you return to her shop in Vivec a long time after you stole the formulas-she doesnt attack you but her attitude towards you is about zero, but who cares? :D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:45 am
by Silver Knight
In the end I simply upped my strength enough to kill her in a single hit so she couldn't cry out and warn the guards. Worked nicely :D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 3:35 pm
by Tybaltus
Well there you go. Never underestimate the power of brute barbaric force. When all else fails beat the snot out of the problem :D